Outstanding Award Winners: New Tang Dynasty Competition Expands Future for Young Singers.

For the first time traveling to the United States alone to participate in the Sound of Hope event hosted by NTD, Lee Ji-eun expressed that it was not an easy task for her. However, everything happened so naturally and smoothly. She said, “I am grateful to the staff of the competition for arranging everything so meticulously for me, allowing me to participate with peace of mind and focus on singing.”

Lee Ji-eun wore a dark blue long dress, appearing elegant and dignified with the grace of an Eastern woman. On the afternoon of September 21, 2024, Lee Ji-eun won the Excellence Award in this year’s NTD Voice of Hope competition with two songs, “Ah! I Feel Everything Disappearing” and “Searching.”

A graduate of Korea Music University, this was her first time going abroad to participate in an international vocal competition. She mentioned that initially singing Chinese songs was a huge challenge for her because she did not have any Chinese vocal teachers around, making self-study more difficult.

In order to sing Chinese songs well, she deliberately went to Taiwan to study Chinese for two years. “Now I can understand the meaning of the Chinese lyrics and sing Chinese songs by myself.”

“I have traveled all over the world

The unsettled heart is still searching

Where is the origin of life


While singing the Chinese song “Searching,” Lee Ji-eun said, “When I sing, I feel like the protagonist has traveled all over the world, searching for the true meaning of life and feeling a bit lost and lonely.” She added, “I feel like the lyrics reflect me, so I sang it as if I am searching for the meaning of life.”

“People are not just for fame and fortune

As long as we remain kind

God will not abandon us.”

“I have a deep emotional connection to the lyrics of this song,” she explained. The song was one of the 30 provided by the competition. “I feel that this song suits me well. During the singing process, I increasingly understand its content and find it profound and touching. While practicing singing, I am often moved.”

“Being able to participate in such a large international competition is a very good experience for me,” she said. “My biggest gain is being able to interact with participants from various countries who are all very professional. I learned how they practice and express themselves, and exchanging with them was very helpful for me. I am glad to see so many wonderful participants.”

The most impressive participant for Lee Ji-eun was Li Le from Germany. “I like her voice, even though she is still young, she performs very well. She sings Chinese songs and Chinese classical music, capturing the essence and style of China. Her level of professionalism is very high.”

She expressed her deep gratitude to NTD for successfully organizing this competition and once again thanked the staff for their thoughtfulness and meticulous arrangements, ensuring she had no worries about food and accommodation. They took care of her rehearsals, allowing her to focus on singing.

She wants to recommend this competition to Korean vocalists and students studying in the United States. Participating in the NTD Voice of Hope competition is a great opportunity. Organized by this global media outlet, the competition provides an international stage. “I believe that students who participate in such competitions can broaden their horizons.”