Observation by Qin Peng: 8 Key Points – Trump’s Historic Interview with Musk

Hello, viewers, welcome to “Qin Peng Observation”.

Today’s focus: Trump (Trump) accepting the Twitter X interview with Musk, creating a new history. What were the 8 main points they discussed? Will the United States see major reforms like Argentina’s new president?

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On the evening of August 12th, Eastern Time, former U.S. President Trump conducted a voice interview with Musk, the world’s richest man, on Twitter X’s space, and by the next day, the total views of the conversation with Trump and the discussion on other accounts surpassed 1 billion.

During the conversation, Musk was a bit nervous, occasionally stuttering, but it was evident that the two enjoyed the talk. Musk expressed his support for Trump several times, stating, “America is at a crossroads, and you represent the path to prosperity, while I think Kamala is the opposite,” and “I used to not care much about politics… They try to portray me as an extreme right-winger, which is absurd because I like making electric cars… I supported Obama. I queued for 6 hours to shake hands with Obama… historically, I am a moderate Democrat. But now I think we are at a crucial moment in the country… For the moderates, I think you should support Donald Trump for president.”

For this rare social media interview and live broadcast in American history, Musk made a lot of preparations but still encountered 4 major troubles:

The first trouble came from the European Union; Commissioner Bretton wrote to Musk asking him to be careful not to spread false information as the interview was not only watched by American audiences but also by Europe. The letter even warned that if content posted on X was found to pose a risk of ‘serious harm’ to EU citizens, penalties would be imposed.

Honestly, I am not familiar with the origins of this issue. However, on July 12th this year, Musk revealed that the European Commission had presented an illegal secret agreement to X: if we quietly review speech without telling anyone, they will not fine us. Other platforms accepted this deal. X did not.

In the latest news, the British Financial Times reported on Tuesday that the European Commission stated that Bretton’s letter did not have the approval of the European Commission President Von der Leyen.

The statement said, “The timing and wording of this letter were not coordinated with the President or the Commissioners, nor did it receive their agreement.” This means that Musk may ultimately be fine in this regard.

However, the second trouble, cyber attacks, temporarily blocked access to Twitter X. I also had to wait a while before logging in and listened for 2 hours with 1.3 million users. Musk described this as a DDoS attack. Based on the analysis by technical personnel, this claim was widely accepted because standard failures are not resolved this quickly.

The so-called DDoS attack is when attackers control a global group of computers to launch a massive influx of requests to the victim’s website, rendering normal users unable to log in.

The third trouble came from Trump’s opponent and current Vice President Harris’s team, who issued two public letters accusing Musk and Trump’s interview of containing a lot of misinformation and extreme 2025 plans, criticizing Musk for attempting to control American democracy.

The fourth trouble came from the United Auto Workers Union (UAW), which announced filing a federal labor lawsuit accusing Trump and Musk of attempting to “intimidate and threaten” workers during the interview.

“When we say Donald Trump is anti-worker, this is what we mean. When we say Trump is against everything our union represents, this is what we mean,” UAW President Sean Feeney said.

Trump has publicly clashed with Feeney and the UAW, which supported Vice President Harris in the presidential election last month.

These were the 4 major troubles Musk encountered within two days. After reading this, I feel psychologically balanced: you see, even the world’s richest person faces difficulties. Musk solely aims to pursue freedom of speech, thus purchasing Twitter, but since then, trouble has been constant, perhaps this is what Americans often say, “Freedom is not free.”

How will Musk extricate himself from this situation? We will continue to observe. Next, let’s discuss what important content he and Trump actually talked about during the interview.

Today, I want to focus on his policy demands. I am amazed to find that mainstream media offered only some adjectives and negative evaluations about this interview, without detailing what was actually said. This might be the reason why millions suddenly flooded Twitter, and the recording was listened to tens of millions of times? The download of the Twitter app also significantly increased after Monday, it’s really interesting.

As far as I saw within 2 hours, the two mainly discussed 8 key aspects. In the future, the U.S. could see sweeping reforms akin to Argentina’s President Mirena, such as in the field of education or some federal government departments could be eliminated!

The two chatted for over ten minutes on the assassination attempt Trump faced at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania last month. Musk said, “You raised your fists in the air and said, ‘Fight, Fight, Fight,’ it was the ‘power under fire,’ and that’s partly why I’m happy to support you.”

Trump stated, “The miracle is, it hit me at a certain angle. Those who do not believe in God, we must start thinking about this. Now I believe even more.” He mentioned he would return to Butler again.

Trump also joked, “Illegal immigrants saved me.” This refers to the time when he tilted his head to look at a chart showing the growing number of illegal immigrants yearly, a computer girl had added this chart to his speech when he turned his head, and a bullet grazed him.

“I’ll sleep with that chart. For various reasons, this chart is very important,” Trump commented.

The conversation continued along with illegal immigration. Musk asked, “Do you support legal immigration?” To which Trump replied, “Yes.” Musk added, “Not all illegal ones are bad, but they need to be reviewed.” Trump agreed.

Trump claimed that in three and a half years, the current government had allowed 20 million illegal immigrants into the country from all over the world, including Africa, some of whom are dangerous criminals. He further stated that if another 4 years were to come, there could be 40-50 million more.

Musk believed that this would change the essence of the United States, stating, “Without borders, there’s no country.” He also mentioned that most illegal immigrants were probably kind and hardworking individuals, but some were not.

Trump gave examples of troubles caused by illegal immigration, stating, “We’ll implement the largest scale of deportation policy. Take them out.”

He also discussed his foreign policy beliefs. Under my leadership, there’s no Afghan chaos, Ukrainian war, Middle East war, or inflation,” Trump declared.

He said, “Putin and I have a good relationship. Putin told me: You’re my friend; I don’t want to see you as my enemy. I don’t want to do any bad things to Iran—they know not to mess around. Iran was close to bankruptcy! But now they threaten to attack Israel.”

“I told China, if you buy oil from Iran, we won’t do business with you. Iran is broke. This happened in 2019,” Trump added.

Trump also mentioned North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, calling him clever: “Hey, Rocket Man, I have a red button on my desk too, but mine works, and it’s bigger. He also claimed to be the first president to cross the 38th parallel.

His point was that he could intimidate these rogues to prevent them from making reckless moves.

Trump warned Putin not to invade Ukraine, otherwise, “the ending won’t be good.” Russian political analyst Olga Kurnosova believes that Trump was hinting at a threat to Putin. In an exclusive commentary on Wishtrend, she stated, “If Russia invades Ukraine, Trump is prepared to kill Putin.”

In fact, Trump said, “They’re smart, but they’re also evil.” He believed that with a strong American leader, a war between Russia and Ukraine and the resulting loss of life could be avoided.

Musk believed that America’s current inflation resulted from the expansion of the money supply because government checks never bounce. The Biden government had given out tens of billions of dollars, causing an increase in the demand for goods and services over the supply chain’s support capacity. He also said, “Today’s interest payments exceed our defense budget.”

Musk also criticized government overregulation, stating, “If you relax regulations, for example, by enacting sensible regulations because many regulations are absurd and unnecessarily expensive.”

Trump mainly emphasized that he would heavily develop fossil fuels to make the U.S. the world’s largest oil producer, which would drive down prices.

They also touched on artificial intelligence, with Trump saying, “I know you like AI, but that would require a significantly increased power supply, possibly double what the U.S. currently has.”

Trump mentioned that Argentina’s new president Mire advocated the MAGA (Make Argentina Great Again) campaign. He elaborated on this, saying he heard that he did a great job.

“He really slashed!” Trump exclaimed. He was referring to Mire’s goal to cut federal bureaucratic entities significantly and reduce government spending, which he actually achieved.

The two discussed establishing a new entity – the Government Efficiency Commission, to drive government reform.

Musk would be willing to serve in the new government and assist in controlling government expenditures. He mentioned, “I believe that if a Government Efficiency Commission could be established to review these matters, ensuring taxpayers’ money, taxpayers’ hard-earned money was spent wisely, that would be great. I am willing to provide input for such a commission.”

Trump responded that if Musk participated, he would be “very willing” and praised him as the “greatest cost-cutter” for the measures he implemented in his company.

Trump stated that he would close the U.S. Department of Education and return education powers to the states. “Look at Newsom: he’s done a terrible job in California! If the Department of Education is canceled, in 50 states, I bet 35 will do well, and 15 will be as good as Norway.” He also mentioned that the U.S. spends more per student than any other country!

The two also discussed climate change, with differing views. While Trump believes there’s no rush, advocating for traditional energy sources like oil and natural gas, stating that current greenhouse gas emissions levels could continue for decades.

Musk, however, told Trump that he didn’t claim, “The house was about to catch fire,” but instead should “accelerate the pace of transformation without hurting the oil and gas industry or causing short-term hardships.”

But their common ground was that they both believed California’s approach was too radical.

Musk highly praised Trump’s efforts in this regard, and the two discussed FDA’s approval of new drugs’ cases.

Trump mentioned that the FDA took too long before approving Right to Try bills during his term, and he also accelerated the development and market launch of vaccines during the pandemic.

Musk shared that his mother was harassed on the streets in New York but didn’t press charges against the perpetrator. He criticized this sympathetic attitude towards criminals.

“We cannot hold shallow sympathy for criminals; we should have more empathy for victims and be compassionate about society,” Musk said.

These were the main points I observed during this Twitter live broadcast. I believe that as the U.S. election intensifies, both party candidates will ignite more sparks, leading to more significant news events. I will continue to follow and analyze, and I hope friends will also stay tuned.

That’s it for my sharing today. For friends who enjoy my program, please subscribe to my new channel in the comment section. Let’s continue to delve into the truths of Chinese and global politics and economics!

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