News Commentary: China’s Party Enrollment Declines Again on 20th Anniversary of “Three Withdrawals” Movement

Hello everyone, welcome to “News Talk Show”. I’m Fu Yao.

Today’s focus: Optimistic sentiment in China is improving! Why are Chinese people starting to not join the party?! The Chinese Communist Party is pushing new evil laws in rural areas, causing an uproar online! Xi’s “People’s Commune” initiative unfolds…

Half of 2024 has already passed in the blink of an eye. Today is July 1st, according to China’s 24 solar terms, we are about to enter “Xiao Shu”, which marks the beginning of scorching hot weather known as midsummer. With temperatures rising globally and drought in the north and floods in the south of China, we remind everyone to take precautions against the heat and wish everyone good health and safety.

“71” is designated by the Chinese Communist Party as the so-called “Party Building Day”. The Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP, also known as the “Quit Party Center”, has proposed that July 1st be designated as “Global Quit the CCP Evil Party Day”, making July “Global Quit the CCP Month”.

Since the publication of the series of editorials “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” by The Epoch Times in November 2004, it has caused shockwaves globally and sparked the wave of “quitting the three organizations”, which refers to quitting the Chinese Communist Party, Communist Youth League, and Young Pioneers organizations.

The “Quit the Three” movement has now reached its 20th anniversary, with the number of quitters exceeding 432 million people, with a global trend of rejecting the CCP.

At the same time, the Chinese Communist Party is facing internal crisis. According to statistics from the official Communist media, as of the previous day, the total number of CCP members was 99.185 million. Although the number of party members seems to have increased, compared to the previous year’s statistics, the net increase in members has decreased for the second consecutive year.

Why are Chinese people not joining the party anymore? The “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” has triggered the wave of quitting the party for 20 years. Why has an overseas spiritual awakening movement continued to ferment? Why have over 90 million CCP members but over 400 million people quit the CCP?

On this issue that concerns every Chinese friend, we have invited experts on Chinese issues, the host of “Henghe Reviews”, Henghe, Dr. Wang Juntao, the Co-Chairman of the National Committee of the China Democratic Party, and political commentator and economic analyst Qin Peng.

Henghe, why are there fewer people wanting to join the Chinese Communist Party?

Qin Peng, due to continuously emerging friends who bypass the “Great Firewall”, could you enlighten us and the audience again about the fact that the CCP has only 90 million members, but over 400 million people have quit?

Madam Yi Zhongyuan, Chairwoman of the Global Quit the CCP Service Center, recently pointed out that the CCP has committed many evil deeds and caused harm to the country and its people. The red tide is now showing signs of decline, and the CCP is in turmoil.

A few days ago, political consul and first secretary who fled the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney 20 years ago, Chen Yonglin, attended the Quit the Party gathering in Sydney, Australia. Chen Yonglin stated that since The Epoch Times published the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” in 2014, the support for the Quit the Party movement and its international impact have been increasing yearly. More people today are recognizing the true nature of the Communist Party.

He cited examples such as US President Biden calling Xi Jinping a dictator, with most Western democracies showing distaste for the CCP regime, and former US Secretary of State Pompeo directly stating that “The CCP does not represent the Chinese people.”

In addition, Eric, a former spy who fled from the CCP’s secrecy system last year, also participated in the gathering. From his perspective, the essence of the CCP is that of a criminal fascist group, including continuous killings before and after its establishment.

Dr. Wang Juntao, as the Chairman of the China Democratic Party National Committee, how do you view the existence of the Chinese Communist Party, the sole ruling party in China, and its future direction?

Henghe, how do you foresee the future of China? Is it truly as the brainwashing rhetoric of the past claims, “Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China”?

In July, Beijing seems to be on high alert. Apart from the so-called party celebration, the CCP Politburo recently confirmed that the 20th Central Committee’s Third Plenum will be held in Beijing from July 15th to 18th. The authorities claim that this delayed meeting for half a year will “discuss further comprehensive deepening reforms and promoting China-style modernization.”

The content of the CCP Politburo meeting emphasizes the so-called “leadership of the Party” at length, with many believing that this highlights the authorities’ concerns about a possible “collapse.”

However, prior to this, what the outside world could observe is another tightening of social control by the CCP, this time targeting rural areas.

Xinhua News Agency reported that the 14th National People’s Congress Standing Committee passed the “Chinese Communist Party Collective Economic Organization Law”, which will come into effect on May 1, 2025. This law allows the CCP’s tentacles to reach into the smallest unit of the rural areas—the community level—with the purpose of “developing and strengthening a new type of collective agriculture, consolidating socialist public ownership, enhancing the cohesiveness of the CCP’s rural grassroots organizations, and safeguarding the foundation of the Party’s governance in rural areas.”

However, many netizens remain baffled by this, believing that “the next step will be the People’s Commune.” Citizen journalist Zhang Zhan criticized on a platform, saying, “Is this a step backwards? Or are they encouraging mutual harm again? The Standing Committee and People’s Congress are merely symbolic.”

Overseas commentator Cai Shengkun also stated, “Many people think it’s impossible to revive the collective economy. Unexpectedly, Xi Jinping is steadily pulling China back to the era of Mao Zedong.”

Qin Peng, what aspects does this new law targeting rural areas involve, and can you explain it to us?

Dr. Wang Juntao, why is the CCP pushing for this evil law? What impact will it have? Is it related to the upcoming Third Plenum?

Henghe, by controlling farmers and promoting collective economies, is the CCP providing a “primitive remedy” for the Chinese economy? Will the next step in Chinese society lead to the “People’s Commune”? What consequences might this have?

A recent commentary article by “Voice of America,” written under the pseudonym of “Huabei Yantang,” pointed out that the Chinese society, with the recent continuous heavy rains, the CCP leader’s indifference, local officials’ inaction, and staged rescue performances, combined with the CCP ruling class’s “unyielding and unrepentant” history, have intensified the pessimistic atmosphere in China.

Externally, at the 70th anniversary conference of the “Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence” held last week, CCP leader Xi Jinping once again expressed his hope that all countries would follow the principles of respecting sovereignty, non-interference, and non-aggression. In the current chaotic situation filled with international disputes, he advocates pursuing peace and prosperity.

But due to the CCP’s continuous disputes with neighboring countries, the outside world cannot grasp what the CCP’s high-level determination to “pursue the path of peaceful development” truly means.

As mentioned by “Huabei Yantang,” the CCP is stuck in a “commitment fatigue” loop both internally and externally, causing loss of credibility. At this moment, as every powerless “ruled individual,” perhaps this is the political moment for changing from pessimism to reigniting hope.

Dr. Wang Juntao, with the CCP’s ambitious goals internally and externally, how do you observe the attitudes of both internal and external forces towards the CCP leadership?

Henghe, is the pessimistic sentiment in Chinese society gradually turning towards optimism now?

Qin Peng, historically, how powerful is the force of people’s awakening?

-Produced by the “News Talk Show” production team.