News: Biden to Officially Become the Democratic Party’s 2024 Presidential Nominee

On Sunday, the top ranks of the Democratic Party in the United States ruled out the possibility of having someone else replace Biden as the party’s presidential nominee for 2024.

According to Reuters, on Sunday, Democratic Party leaders firmly rejected internal calls to choose a younger candidate for the presidential election scheduled for November 5.

At the same time, 81-year-old Biden spent Sunday reuniting with his family at Camp David, where his political future was likely a topic of discussion among them.

Some Democratic Party leaders on Sunday dismissed the suggestion of changing the candidate at a crucial moment in the election campaign.

Georgia Democratic federal senator Raphael Warnock urged against Biden’s resignation as “absolutely not necessary.” Warnock is considered one of the few Democrats who could potentially succeed Biden.

Speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Warnock said, “I support Joe Biden, and our mission is to ensure he crosses the finish line in November.”

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries believed on Sunday that Biden faced setbacks in his debates with the Republican presidential candidate for 2024, former President Trump.

However, he told MSNBC, “I believe setbacks are merely a prelude to a comeback. So, the moment we are in now is a moment for a comeback.”

Two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters that since last Thursday’s debate, Biden had held seven campaign events in four states and traveled to Camp David on Saturday for a planned family gathering.

According to The Hill, a member of Biden’s campaign team stated on Sunday that they had raised over $33 million since the debate last week.

Reuters reported that on Saturday afternoon, Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Jaime Harrison and Biden’s campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez held a phone conference with dozens of influential DNC members nationwide.

Two anonymous sources revealed that the phone conference was meant to boost morale and plan for the upcoming Democratic National Convention, where Biden is expected to officially become the Democratic presidential nominee for 2024.