Newfoundland Dog Loves 94-Year-Old Grandmother, Waiting for Her on the Porch Every Day

Dogs are often referred to as humans’ best friends. For 94-year-old Barbara Collins and her Newfoundland dog Chewy, this sentiment couldn’t be more accurate.

Their bond began through Collins’ granddaughter, Amy Savino, who resides with her husband and children in North Carolina and is fortunate enough to live next door to her parents and grandmother.

“She’s a wonderful woman with a beautiful soul, and family means everything to me,” 37-year-old Savino told Epoch Times. “So, I wanted to be next door to her. She’s loving and nurturing.”

Savino describes how Collins has an inexplicable connection with animals, seemingly able to attract them to her effortlessly.

“All dogs love my grandmother. She loves all dogs,” Savino said. “She always has treats in her pockets. There’s a warmth about her that animals seem to love. They love her, they care for her, and they want whatever she has in her pocket.”

Therefore, it came as no surprise to Savino that Collins would fall in love with her dog Chewy, who turned 2 years old in January.

Savino welcomed Chewy into her home when the pup was just 8 weeks old. Starting at a mere 10 pounds, Chewy quickly grew to 75 pounds by six months old. Today, Chewy weighs in at 125 pounds.

When Collins and Chewy first met, it was an instant connection. They would sit on the couch, with Grandma holding Chewy close, trying to nurture their bond.

“They are the cutest pair,” Savino said. “He’s so gentle with her.”

Over the years, a special bond formed between the two, and Savino’s family would visit Collins once or twice a day.

“It’s Chewy’s favorite time of the day, he goes looking for her,” Savino said. “He waits on our porch to go to hers. I think it’s a mutually beneficial relationship. It brings happiness to both of them.”

The two friends engage in various activities together. Sometimes, Collins cooks while Chewy plays at her feet. Other times, while Chewy naps on the floor, Collins works on puzzles. They even watch movies together.

However, there is one thing that Collins cannot stand: Chewy’s drooling.

If Chewy eats too much, he drools, often shaking his body and causing drool to fly. Collins may get a bit annoyed by this habit, but she loves Chewy unconditionally.

When asked about the impact of this bond on her grandmother’s happiness, Savino confidently states, “I think the impact is enormous.”

(Supplied by Amy Savino)

Savino has an Instagram and YouTube channel where she shares the adorable relationship between her grandmother and Chewy with the world. Collins enjoys being filmed, watching videos, and reading comments.

“I try to keep these memories, I don’t want to forget,” Savino said.

Savino describes Chewy as “goofy” and “sweet.” This lovable Newfoundland enjoys jumping on people in excitement, yet he has never jumped on his dear Collins. Though Chewy has not been trained as a guide dog, he can sense when Collins needs something.

“It knows,” Savino said, adding that Chewy is “very calm” around her grandmother because “it can feel her fragility.”

Chewy enjoys adjusting his behavior based on different individuals. For Savino’s children, he’s “like a dinosaur, wild and crazy.”

“With me, he’s spoiled, he gets whatever he wants,” Savino said.

Chewy has received training on how to interact with people. While well-behaved, he’s a big dog. Due to Collins’ age, she’s unable to walk him without a leash. If left unleashed, Chewy will always go chasing squirrels.

Understanding this issue, Collins decided to install a gate on her porch to spend time with Chewy without the risk of him running off. The installation of the gate on Collins’ porch emphasizes how much she values their relationship.

“He’s really cute,” Savino said.

Some of her videos have garnered numerous views online. An elderly woman and her large dog’s “unusual love story” has sparked countless positive reactions.

For those interested in adopting a Newfoundland like Chewy, Savino has some candid advice: “Raising them takes a lot of time and effort. They’re quite expensive. But their love is amazing!”

Collins enjoys hearing the audience’s views on her and Chewy. She particularly appreciates many comments about her youthful appearance, with many noting she looks younger than her actual age.

When asked about the secret to her grandmother’s youthful appearance, her loving granddaughter’s answer is simple: “Happiness!”

Savino hopes their story highlights the importance of the bond between animals and humans, and how they grow and learn from each other.

“I believe love can take many forms and depths,” she said.

The original article, “Newfoundland Dog Falls in Love With 94-Year-Old Grandma, Waits at Porch Every Day to Meet Her: VIDEO,” was featured on the English Epoch Times website.