New Yorkers Protest in Front of Consulate, Pro-Communist Forces Resort to Violence

On Friday, May 17th, a group of anti-communist protesters in New York gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate General in New York, holding signs and chanting slogans to protest the Chinese Communist Party’s ban on the song “Glory to Hong Kong” and demanding the release of political prisoners, including Xu Lin. The protest was disrupted midway when two pro-Communist individuals wielding steel pipes instigated a physical altercation with the anti-Communist group.

According to video footage from the scene, during the noon of the 17th, the Vice Chairman of the “Chinese Democracy and Human Rights Alliance” in New York, Chen Weijie, was seen holding a sign in both Chinese and English that read “The Devil CCP, Harm to Humanity,” while shouting slogans such as “Communist Party, enemy of mankind! Organ harvesting, spreading viruses! Hold the Communist Party accountable! Put Xi Jinping on trial!”

In an interview with The Epoch Times after the incident, Chen Weijie stated that they were there to support the people of Hong Kong and demand the release of Xu Lin, a Guangdong internet writer, composer, and dissident recently arrested by the Chinese authorities.

While the anti-communist demonstrators were exercising their legal rights in New York, a man and a woman emerged from the consulate, the man dressed in black and the woman in an orange-red jacket, appearing to be a couple. As they approached a black sedan, they shouted at the anti-Communist group, saying phrases like “Crazy people! The Communist Party offers a happy life to the Chinese people,” “Without the Communist Party, we wouldn’t exist,” and “You bugs.”

Footage from the “YerongX Platform for Democracy Activists” showed that at this moment, the anti-Communist group approached the couple to engage in a discussion, leading the man in black to retrieve a steel baton from the car and charge towards the demonstrators, prompting them to exclaim, “You’re still carrying weapons?! Are you going to hit people?!”

The woman in red intervened, persuading the man to return to the car and disarm, while the Chairman of the “Chinese Democracy and Human Rights Alliance” in the Eastern United States, Bai Jiemin, followed the pro-Communist man. At the car door, the man in black violently punched Bai Jiemin. This action sparked outrage among the crowd, shouting phrases like “You hit someone!” “I saw you hit him!” “Get him arrested!” “We have it on video!” “We will call the police!”

The verbal confrontation continued, with Bai Jiemin and a seemingly bystander foreigner explaining the assault through gestures. By the end of the video, the police had not yet arrived. However, Chen Weijie mentioned in an interview that “later the police arrived and arrested Bai Jinmin.”

Yerong, on the X platform, explained, “We were acting in self-defense legally. When the police arrived, they (pro-Communist individuals) provided false testimony in English, leading to Bai Jiemin’s arrest, adding insult to injury.”

Yerong uploaded on-site video evidence, stating, “The Communist thugs used weapons (steel pipes) to assault us on video! Today, we protested legally at the entrance of the Chinese Consulate in New York, supporting Xu Lin, Hong Kong, and Tibet. Communist thugs insulted us verbally and physically attacked us with weapons. They initiated the violence (I have the full video from the consulate to the car), and injuries occurred during the scuffle.”

New York lawyer Ye Ning commented on the incident, mentioning that in the earlier decades, the Communist Party adhered to Deng Xiaoping’s policy of “keeping a low profile and biding time,” but “they are no longer pretending.”

“Engaging in wolf warrior diplomacy, openly assaulting people abroad, and even the chargé d’affaires of the embassy personally attacking individuals…,” Ye Ning said. Fortunately, the United States has finally awakened and is taking concrete measures in response. “Both China and the US are heading towards a confrontation, indicating that they are moving towards an inevitable showdown.”

Ye Ning emphasized that the US has finally recognized the true nature of the Chinese Communist Party and is taking action against it. “This is a positive development and a favorable trend for free humanity.”