New York State Vehicle Theft Cases Surge by 15%, Ranking Seventh Nationwide.

According to the latest report from the National Insurance Crime Bureau, vehicle theft cases in New York State saw a significant increase of 15% from 2022 to 2023, ranking seventh among all states in the United States.

Over the past year, vehicle theft cases in the United States hit a new high, with over one million cars stolen, representing an overall increase of about 1%. In contrast, the situation in New York State is more severe, with 32,715 vehicle theft cases reported in 2023. Experts suggest that this may be related to the rise in regional crime rates and the use of high-tech criminal methods.

David J. Glawe, President and CEO of the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), stated that criminals are increasingly using advanced techniques to bypass modern vehicle security systems and successfully steal cars. He emphasized that this trend is alarming and calls for the automotive industry and government law enforcement agencies to work together to develop more effective anti-theft strategies.

In order to combat the growing problem of vehicle theft, the NICB recommends car owners to take the following preventive measures:

1. Park vehicles in well-lit areas.

2. Close and lock all doors and windows when parking.

3. Hide valuables in inconspicuous places, such as in the glove compartment or trunk.

4. Avoid leaving car keys inside the vehicle.

5. Do not leave the car unattended with the engine running.

Additionally, in the unfortunate event of a vehicle theft, car owners should immediately contact local law enforcement and their insurance company to increase the chances of recovering the stolen vehicle.

The National Insurance Crime Bureau is a non-profit organization dedicated to identifying, investigating, preventing, and stopping insurance fraud and crime.