New York Senator Lú Tiān nà Proposes Bipartisan Cooperation to Combat Email Theft

In a joint effort between Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Republican Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri, the “Protect Our Letter Carriers Act” was introduced on May 17. This proposed legislation aims to enhance mail security by modernizing postal collection boxes to prevent theft and increase penalties for attacks on postal workers, thereby strengthening the fight against mail theft.

The bill has garnered bipartisan support in the House of Representatives, with Republican Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick and Democratic Congressman Greg Landsman leading the corresponding proposal. Senator Gillibrand stated that the proposal would upgrade mailboxes nationwide to prevent the theft of sensitive information and enforce harsher penalties for attacks on postal workers, ensuring the safety of hardworking postal staff.

Senator Hawley emphasized the importance of protecting postal workers who tirelessly serve the American public’s essential needs, such as parcel delivery. He condemned the increasing acts of violence against postal workers as unacceptable and stressed the necessity for Congress to enhance enforcement efforts against crimes targeting them.

The “Protect Our Letter Carriers Act” calls for a $7 billion allocation by the federal government within five years to install high-security mailboxes, replace old universal mailbox keys with electronic versions, establish that the Attorney General vigorously prosecute all cases of attacks on postal workers, appoint an Assistant U.S. Attorney in each judicial district to oversee investigations and prosecutions of postal crimes, and amend sentencing guidelines to treat attacks or robberies of postal workers equivalently to those against law enforcement officers.

The National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association (NRLCA) and the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), representing USPS local mail carriers, have expressed support for Gillibrand and Hawley’s proposal.

NALC President Don Maston stated that postal workers are increasingly targeted by criminals seeking to tamper with Americans’ mail, jeopardizing the health and safety of dedicated rural letter carriers. Meanwhile, NALC President Brian L. Renfroe urged Congress to pass the proposal to safeguard American postal workers who diligently deliver essential items like medications, checks, ballots, packages, and other important mail relied upon by all Americans.