New York Falun Gong Grand Parade Commemorates 25th Anniversary of April 25 Appeal

On April 21st, in the breeze of spring in New York, over two thousand Falun Gong practitioners held a grand parade and rally in Flushing, New York, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the peaceful appeal of Falun Gong practitioners on April 25 and supporting nearly 430 million Chinese people who have since renounced the Chinese Communist Party. The procession was magnificent and spectacular, with the giant banner proclaiming “Dafa is the wisdom of the Creator” making its debut in a parade in New York, attracting widespread attention.

Many newly arrived immigrants from mainland China in the United States witnessed the parade and expressed their astonishment at the spectacular display of Falun Gong practitioners and the significant number of Chinese people practicing Falun Gong.

At noon, the parade kicked off at the intersection of Main Street and 38th Avenue in Flushing, proceeding south on Main Street, turning onto Sanford Avenue, then continuing to Kissena Boulevard before culminating in a rally next to the Flushing Library, lasting a total of 3 hours. The New York City Police Department and the 109th Precinct provided security throughout the parade and rally, with police cars escorting the procession.

Numerous onlookers paused to watch the parade and praised the spectacular and beautiful display, expressing their support for Falun Gong. The parade was led by the majestic Tian Guo Marching Band, followed by the “Dafa is the wisdom of the Creator” banner, spinning Falun emblem, a giant book model of “Zhuan Falun” in Chinese and English, drums, and a dancing dragon among others.

On the splendid “Heavenly Palace Wonderland” float of Falun Dafa, the Falun emblem was prominently displayed with the words “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance” presented on the archway. Following were banners conveying the facts, orderly flag formations, graceful lotus dance teams, and spirited waist drum troupes, showcasing a rich content with traditional cultural elements that captivated the viewers and prompted contemplation. People took out their phones to take pictures, requested “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” lotus flowers, and praised incessantly.

The peaceful appeal of Falun Gong practitioners on April 25, 1999, is hailed as the largest-scale and most rational peaceful appeal since the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. Twenty-five years ago, in April 1999, tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners went to the State Appeals Office in Beijing for a peaceful appeal to seek a legal environment for practice, the legal publication of Falun Gong books, and the release of fellow practitioners detained in Tianjin for reflecting issues. They had no slogans, no banners, no radical behavior, and even cleaned up cigarette butts left by the police when they departed in the evening.

The actions of Falun Gong practitioners, their large numbers, fearless confrontation of power, and great kindness and courage astonished the world, leading to Falun Gong being recognized and stepping onto the world stage.

During the parade, banners lining up resembled the Great Wall of Truth, enlightening people’s conscience and kindness. Banners such as “Uphold Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, Erect Moral Monument – Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the peaceful appeal of Falun Gong practitioners on 4.25,” “Dafa is the wisdom of the Creator,” “The world needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,” “Quitting the Party leads to a bright future,” “Heaven demands accountability, the Communist Party exits for safety,” “Dissolve the Chinese Communist Party to save China,” “Loving the country ≠ loving the party, China ≠ the Communist Party,” “Without the Communist Party, there will be a new China,” among others were seen.

The organizer of the parade, Mr. Yi Zhongyuan, president of the New York Falun Dafa Association, explained in an interview that twenty-five years ago on April 25, the tens of thousands of Chinese Falun Gong practitioners who peacefully appealed displayed the courage to defend freedom of belief and the moral integrity adhering to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, establishing a moral monument. Throughout the 25-year history of being persecuted, Falun Gong practitioners have always upheld such rationality and great courage, particularly in China where practitioners faced persecution yet bravely continued to convey the truth without fear of power, inspiring people’s conscience and kindness.

We are now in a critical moment in history, a time of battle between right and wrong. Amid frequent natural and man-made disasters, in this tumultuous world, it is crucial to remember that “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Quitting the Communist Party will invite protection from gods and Buddhas. It is also hoped to witness a nationwide anti-persecution movement in China.

Mr. Zhang Songlin, who personally experienced the April 25 appeal and was a former lecturer at Capital Medical University, pointed out that back then, there were over a hundred million people practicing Falun Gong in China. Isn’t it a good thing for people to be kind to society and the government? If the Communist Party had accepted the great kindness of Falun Gong practitioners and not persecuted them, the moral decay seen today in society might have been avoided, preventing the chaos currently visible.

1999 coincidentally marked the 10th anniversary of the 1989 June 4th incident, creating a tense atmosphere in Chinese society. Nevertheless, why did Falun Gong practitioners dare to appeal at Zhongnanhai? Mr. Zhang Songlin said, “Because Falun Gong practitioners cultivate Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. They are open-hearted, without any political demands and fears. People in China who have experienced the various political movements under the Communist Party, especially those who lived through the June 4th incident, understand the terror of the Party. However, Falun Gong practitioners, to safeguard the truth, express their trust in the government, present the facts, and voice reasonable demands without considering personal gains or losses, truly acting out of benevolence.”

Mr. Zhang Songlin noted that the peaceful and self-disciplined behavior of Falun Gong practitioners during the April 25 appeal has never been seen since the establishment of the Communist Party in China and is rare worldwide. Many Falun Gong practitioners at the time were cadres in the public security system, military personnel, professors, judicial officials, and executives of foreign companies, representing the mainstream of Chinese society. However, the evil regime of the Communist Party pushed these mainstream members of society onto the opposite side.

“Commemorating April 25 is not only to show the world the evil of the Communist Party but also to make people understand the selfless kindness. As time passes, people will increasingly comprehend that everything Falun Gong practitioners have done during the persecution by the Communist Party, including various forms of truth clarification and encouraging quitting the Party, has been for the greater good without any personal gain,” mentioned Mr. Zhang Songlin.

Internet celebrity Moses Zuojiu expressed, “I am very pleased to see the Falun Gong parade once again. Falun Gong practitioners exude a kind of power that resonates deep within me. I believe that only people with true beliefs can radiate such extraordinary tranquility on their faces. That’s why I support Falun Gong practitioners and oppose the persecution by the Communist Party.”

Moses Zuojui continued, “The doctrine of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance propagated by Falun Gong, especially the aspect of ‘Truth’ in the end times, is the most influential. As a Christian, every righteous and conscientious person should support Falun Gong practitioners and empathize with the persecution they endure.”

Mr. Li from Mainland China commented, “I am deeply impressed by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance upheld by Falun Gong. It aligns well with the virtues of kindness. People should live by the values of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. I hope Falun Gong can spread globally!”

Mr. Li also admired the resilience of Falun Gong practitioners, saying, “I have seen Falun Gong practitioners persist in their practice regardless of wind and rain, showcasing a spirit of perseverance that is truly admirable.”

“Falun Gong practitioners work for the good of others. When I was in Mainland China, despite the persecution by the Communist Party against Falun Gong, I received informational materials and CDs from Falun Gong in my community and residential neighborhoods. I was deeply moved and began to realize the false accusations and propaganda fabricated by the Communist Party against Falun Gong from that time onwards,” said Mr. Li.

Mr. Dai, who accompanied his mother on a trip from Missouri to New York, where they coincidentally encountered the Falun Gong parade while dining in Flushing, expressed their delight. It was their first time witnessing Falun Gong practitioners and they felt fortunate. Mr. Dai remarked, “It’s fantastic, filled with rich cultural elements, artistic, and beautiful, with abundant cultural connotations. We have never seen anything like this in Missouri.”

His mother added, “I am touched and impressed. This is the land of freedom. Such scenes would be impossible in China. I hope China will experience freedom sooner!”

Mr. Yu stated, “The procession is orderly, dignified, full of positive energy, embodying the ideals of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. These are values that every person should uphold. It exudes positive energy; to be a good person, one must live by Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.”

Mr. Zhao, who has been in the United States for half a year working in another state, remarked after witnessing the parade, “It was my first time seeing the Falun Gong parade. With so many people, it was quite impressive. If given the opportunity, I would also consider joining the parade.”

Mr. Zhao reflected on the massive procession consisting of people of all ages and backgrounds, pondering: “Why is Falun Gong worth the participation of so many people? To be honest, it is rare for Chinese people to have faith, but to see so many Chinese people believe in Falun Gong is truly astonishing. Because personally, I feel that convincing Chinese people to believe in something is quite challenging.”

Ms. Susan Liu commented, “The resistance of Falun Gong on April 25 was the largest-scale struggle in China after the June 4th incident in 1989, for an abstract right – the struggle of Falun Gong practitioners for freedom and religious belief. Why did only Falun Gong practitioners engage in this struggle? Because I see: Falun Gong practitioners – these ordinary Chinese people, after cultivating Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, transformed into a self-organizing and mutually supportive force, exhibiting strength that sets them apart from the ordinary Chinese people. In fact, they have been restored, displaying the brightness of their human nature. Falun Gong is showing the Chinese people a path to recovery of health and humanity.”

Ms. Susan Liu added, “I hope China can regain hope and embark on a path to restore humanity. I wish to see parades like Falun Gong return to the mainland of China soon.”

Following the parade, Falun Gong practitioners held a rally on Kissena Boulevard next to the Flushing Library, with numerous spectators watching from the sidelines. In the evening, practitioners continued to hold a candlelight vigil at the front of the Chinese consulate to protest the persecution by the Chinese Communist Party.

Chinese participants who received certificates for quitting the Party and those who supported Falun Gong joined the retreat phalanx to participate in the parade. During the rally, a speech was given by Gong Kai, a new immigrant who said, “I feel extremely moved. Such a parade cannot be seen in the domestic setting. The Falun Gong parade has brought me a cultural affinity.”

“Giving people in China a chance to rekindle their faith, rediscover the traditional virtues of ‘Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance,’ and letting more people recognize the evil nature of the Communist Party and the world is aware of the evil essence of the Communist Party.”

“In the small parade in Flushing, the number of spectators was already overwhelming. If one day Falun Gong can return to China and hold a parade, it will surely draw a massive crowd, elevating the overall cultural and moral level of the entire population. I believe that day will come because the Communist Party’s actions contrary to the will of the people will lead to its downfall.”

The Falun Gong practitioners’ parade received enthusiastic responses from the audience. Many spectators gathered to watch during the assembly.

An 83-year-old Mr. Chen, who has been in the United States for over fifty years, passing by the gathering of Falun Gong practitioners with walking sticks, continuously shouted in Cantonese, “Down with the Communist Party! How many Chinese have died due to the persecution by the Communist Party! Everyone in my family was persecuted to death by the Communist Party! Down with the Communist Party!”

Mr. Zhang, an onlooker, remarked, “There has been a change. There are more Falun Gong practitioners than before, and there are no longer people waving red flags on the streets. In the United States, regardless of which party is in power, there is a consensus to resist the Communist Party.”

Mr. Li, another observer, expressed, “Falun Gong practitioners have had a very tough journey, and it is truly remarkable.”

Ms. Fu from Fujian noted, “The parade is excellent, full of a sense of purity, which has moved me. It brought to mind the serene scene of Falun Gong practitioners practicing in China in the past. I hope that China can once again return to the peaceful scenes of Falun Gong practitioners practicing.”

Mr. He commented, “It was peaceful, harmonious, grand, and rich in content. It must have surprised many people – because in mainland China, people are repressed. However, overseas Falun Gong has so many adherents!”

Ms. Zhou mentioned, “There is truly no freedom in China. I am fortunate to be on American soil. Every time I see Falun Gong, I am touched. When I have the time, I also want to participate. I have already quit the Party, and I have seen through the Communist Party!”

After the parade, Falun Gong practitioners held a rally on Kissena Boulevard next to the Flushing Library, with numerous spectators watching from the sidelines. In the evening, practitioners continued to hold a candlelight vigil at the front of the Chinese consulate to protest the persecution by the Chinese Communist Party.