New York City Government Senior Official Under Investigation, Two More Added

New York City Mayor Adams’s administration is under increasing scrutiny as more high-ranking officials are being investigated. Federal law enforcement officers visited the apartment of Molly Schaeffer, director of the Office of Asylum Seeker Operations, on September 20 seeking sanctuary. Additionally, Sheriff Miranda and his office are also being investigated by the city’s Department of Investigation (DOI).

According to the Gothamist news website, the doorman of the apartment building where Schaeffer lives with her parents confirmed that two plainclothes law enforcement officers arrived at 8:15 am that day, with one carrying a small briefcase. They spent about 10 minutes upstairs and left without carrying anything. Schaeffer denied that her apartment was searched in a phone call but did not deny the visit from law enforcement, stating, “The use of the term search is too heavy.” Deputy Mayor for Communications, Fabien Levy, did not provide further comment and only stated through a press release that the city hopes all team members fully cooperate with all investigations. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for Manhattan and Brooklyn did not respond to inquiries.

Schaeffer has held her current position for about a year and a half, previously serving as Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Emergency Affairs Advisor to Mayor Adams. The New York Post reported that Schaeffer received a subpoena from the federal government seeking information on immigration contract records, which sources say may be related to an investigation into Mayor’s advisor Timothy Pearson.

Pearson, a retired inspector from the NYPD, now serves as Mayor Adams’s Public Safety Advisor. Two weeks ago, federal agents conducted a large-scale search on multiple high-ranking city officials, including Pearson, seizing their phones. Investigators are looking into whether Pearson exploited his role in approving city contracts to receive kickbacks. He is also connected to several controversial incidents, including physical altercations with shelter staff and allegations of harassment and retaliation from former subordinates at the police department.

The political news website Politico also reported that the Department of Investigation is looking into Sheriff Miranda and his office, though the specific focus of the investigation remains unclear. According to a city finance employee familiar with the matter, in addition to the DOI, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York was investigating allegations of “public corruption” against Miranda last year and had interviewed other city officials, though the employee did not provide details. A spokesperson for Miranda’s office declined to comment when contacted by Politico, stating, “No comment.” The Mayor’s Office also did not respond to inquiries.

Miranda and Adams have been long-time allies, their relationship dating back to their time working together in the NYPD. Miranda, who unsuccessfully ran for City Council in 2021, faced controversy when it was revealed he had lent money to his own campaign and charged interest. Upon Mayor Adams’s inauguration, he appointed Miranda as Sheriff in May 2022, with the Sheriff’s Office falling under the jurisdiction of the Finance Department, responsible for asset forfeiture, enforcing cigarette permit regulations, and shutting down unlicensed cannabis stores.

Our publication reached out to the Mayor’s Office for comments on the investigations into these two city officials via email, but had not received a response by the time of publication.