Nearly 30 officials in Hainan province came under investigation on the eve of the Third Plenary Session.

On the eve of the upcoming Third Plenary Session of the Chinese Communist Party, the political arena in Hainan Province is experiencing intense turmoil, with at least 30 officials having been sacked in just the month of June. Analysts believe that the ongoing shake-up in Hainan signifies President Xi Jinping’s deep purge of Jiang Zemin’s network in the province.

According to an announcement on June 28th on the website of the CCP’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Ding Shijiang, a former councilor of the Hainan provincial government, has been dismissed from his position. Ding Shijiang was placed under investigation on January 6th and resigned from his post as councilor of the Hainan provincial government on April 18th.

Ding Shijiang had long served at the Hainan Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, holding various positions such as deputy director of the Department of Land and Environment Resources of Hainan Province, head of the discipline inspection team, secretary of the Wan Ning Municipal Committee of Hainan Province, mayor, director of the Hainan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, director of the Provincial Planning Committee, party secretary, chief planner of the province, party secretary and director of the Natural Resources and Planning Department, and in May 2023, he was appointed as a councilor of the Hainan provincial government.

On June 19th, the CCP’s Procuratorial Network reported that Sun Shunan, a former full-time member of the Hainan Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee, had been prosecuted for bribery involving abuse of power.

On the same day, June 26th, Hainan authorities announced the investigation of 8 officials from the education system, including party secretaries and principals. They include Chen Daqiang, former party secretary of Hainan Health Vocational College; Zeng Fansun, former principal of Danzhou Campus of Hainan Radio and Television University; Li Rixiang, former president of Hainan Haikou Technician College; Huang Wenfeng, former principal of Lingao County Secondary Vocational and Technical School; Pan Zhenghuai, former principal of Wenchang Middle School; Chen Yongbao, principal of Dongfang Middle School in Dongfang City; and Pan Chaoqun, former principal of Qionghai Primary School. Additionally, Huang Zihua, director of the Material Procurement Office of the State-owned Assets Management Department at Qiongtai Teachers College, was also implicated.

On June 21st, the Hainan Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervisory Commission published corruption cases involving 5 political and legal officials. They are Han Yunfa, member of the CCP’s Political and Legal Committee of the Hainan Provincial Public Security Department, member of the CCP’s political group of the Haikou Municipal Government, deputy mayor, secretary of the Party Committee, and director of the Public Security Bureau; Xiao Chuyang, senior superintendent of the Second Brigade of the Public Security Police Detachment of the Hainan Provincial Public Security Department; Che Xinxin, second-level inspector of the Hainan Provincial Judicial Department; Lin Long, chief officer at the first level of the Hainan First Intermediate People’s Court; Lin Bin, former platoon leader of the Long River Traffic Management Squadron at the Long River Traffic Management Detachment of the Traffic Management Brigade of the Ling An County Public Security Bureau.

In particular, Han Yunfa, who had worked in the Hainan public security system for over 20 years, served as deputy secretary of the Dongfang Municipal Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee during his tenure in Dongfang. Tang Lixia, secretary of the Dongfang Municipal Committee, was his superior at that time. Han Yunfa’s role was to assist Tang Lixia in handling the daily work of the Municipal Committee. After Tang Lixia was investigated on March 11, 2024, Han Yunfa disappeared and was later taken down.

On June 18th, the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced the investigation of 11 individuals in the healthcare system. Among them were 4 former healthcare officials, including Zhuang Zhongjun, former director of the Medical Administration Department of the Hainan Province Health Commission; Liang Yiwei, former director of the Danzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Gan Lei, former party secretary and director of the Qionghai Health Commission; and Huang You, former party secretary and director of the Lingao County Health Commission. The other 7 were former party secretaries, directors, and deputy directors of public hospitals, such as Fu Lin, former party secretary of the Ding An County Hospital; Zhang Xiongjun, former deputy director of the Ding An County Hospital; Wang Kaixiong, former deputy director of the Qiongzhong County Hospital; Li Chuanjun, former director of the Tunchang County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital; Zhang Yunjiang, former director of the Qiongshan Women and Children’s Hospital in Haikou City; Chen Yuwen, executive director of the Nanshan Hospital in Jiyang District, Sanya City; and Peng Hongwei, former deputy director of the Wanning Hospital.

On June 7th, 10 officials in Hainan were simultaneously investigated, including Wang Bin, former party secretary and director of the Dongfang City Water Department; Cun Meiying, former director of the Employment Bureau of Ledong County; Li Meirong, former party secretary and director of the Development and Reform Commission of Baisha County; Lu Zhi, former chairman of the Disabled Persons United Association of Baisha County; Luo Guobiao, member of the party group of the Development and Reform Commission of Lingao County, director of the Industrial and Information Service Center of the county; Xing Zengyao, former deputy party secretary and director of the Qiongshan Water Bureau in Qiongshan District, Haikou City; Yao Hui, former party secretary and director of the Veterans Affairs Bureau in Haitang District, Sanya City; Yan Tianming, former director of the Gardening and Environmental Sanitation Service Center of Lingshui County; Ji Ming, former director of the Changhua Forestry Farm in Changjiang County; and Su Yingfen, former general manager of the Market Development and Construction Services Company in Qionghai City.

Political commentator Li Yanming told The Epoch Times that Hainan Province, as the only provincial-level economic special zone, has long been a stronghold of Jiang Zemin, the former leader of the Chinese Communist Party. The ongoing turbulence in the Hainan political sphere demonstrates Xi Jinping’s thorough cleansing of Jiang Zemin’s influence in Hainan.