Miracle Events Witnessed by a Hospice Nurse as a Patient Nears Death – No Longer Fearful of Death

An American nurse who spent many years working in a hospice ward and has now become an internet sensation revealed an extraordinary supernatural encounter she had witnessed, particularly involving a male patient before his passing. This experience has led her to no longer fear her own death.

The woman, named Julie McFadden, often discusses death-related topics on her YouTube channel and shares her experiences helping people to confront death bravely. These encounters have been compiled in her recently published book titled “Nothing to Fear: Demystifying Death to Live More Fully.”

In a podcast hosted by Howie Mandel last month, McFadden shared one of the most remarkable supernatural events she had experienced. She believes she witnessed a “shared death experience” with a male patient before his passing.

According to McFadden, the patient was a young man who was essentially facing death alone as he had few relatives or friends. He was highly anxious before his passing, openly expressing his fears and emotions.

Over the 6 to 9 months that the man spent in the hospice care facility, McFadden and her team developed a close relationship with him. As his life neared its end, McFadden arranged for a 24-hour caregiver to look after him and requested to be informed of his passing.

Upon exiting the hospital, McFadden attempted to quietly pay her respects to the man but encountered a supernatural incident. She recalled, “I sat in my car for a moment, looking at his building, saying goodbye to him because he was really important to me.”

Suddenly, she could hear his voice in her mind crystal clear, feeling something. He made her feel a sense of freedom, ultimate release, and excitement.

The man kept calling her name and said, “If I had only known how good this was.” Every time she recalls this, she feels like crying as it resonates so powerfully with her.

She mentioned hearing the man say, “If I had known how good this was, I would never have been afraid again.” He had previously asked about death experiences and what happens after death.

The unusual experience then abruptly ended. She felt like she was back in her car. Her phone rang, and it was the caregiver texting her the news of the man’s passing. She thought, “I know because he just let me know.”

She added that aside from her best friend Jenny, she had not shared this story with anyone over the years, believing Jenny would not think she was crazy. This experience has meant that she no longer fears her own death.

Previously reported by Dajiyuan, apart from predicting one’s own death and near-death experiences, individuals may also encounter other unusual phenomena as they approach death, such as deathbed visions and seeing deceased loved ones. People’s attitudes toward their own or others’ deaths can undergo significant changes in such circumstances.