May Day Chaos: Tourist Dies After Being Hit by Falling Rocks While Hiking Down the Mountain

During the May Day holiday in mainland China, travelers encountered various situations while enjoying their trips. In the tourism area of Baoquan in Xinxiang, Henan Province, a large number of tourists were stranded and had to hike for hours to descend the mountain. In the Hengshan Scenic Area in Datong, Shanxi Province, tourists faced rockfalls resulting in casualties. Additionally, in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, a blogger visited a snack shop and was shocked to find out that a type of spicy snack cost 85 yuan per kilogram.

On May 2nd, netizens posted videos showing that in the Baoquan tourism area in Xinxiang, Henan Province, a large number of tourists were stranded in the scenic area. Many of them had to walk several kilometers downhill on foot.

In the videos, numerous tourists could be seen stuck in the scenic area. One clip even showed tourists walking downhill through the night, with crowds so dense that one could not see the end of the line.

In response to the situation, Baoquan tourism area issued an apology statement that evening, stating that tourists who did not use shuttle buses on May 2nd and walked out of the park on foot could revisit Baoquan for free on any day in 2024 upon presenting the ticket purchased on that day.

People commented questioning the poor management of the tourist area, citing the inability to control the number of visitors. Some comments included: “Refund! Not accepting apologies! Poor management, tourists stuck, no staff in sight! Suggesting not to visit, blacklist Baoquan Scenic Area (those who haven’t gone, please refund as soon as possible)”; “No sincerity! All visitors from afar, who would go again just for a free ticket?”; “Reservation without limiting the number of people, what’s the point of making reservations?”; “Preparations were inadequate, what’s the use of apologizing after the fact?!”

On May 2nd, a rockfall incident resulting in injuries and casualties occurred in the Hengshan Scenic Area in Shanxi.

The Hengshan Scenic Area Management Center reported that around 3:05 pm that day, a rockfall occurred at the Tiger Wind Gap of Hengshan Scenic Area, injuring 6 tourists, with one of them succumbing to severe injuries despite rescue efforts.

One tourist told the “Red Star News” that he was descending around 4 pm and heard that the injured tourists had not yet reached the mountaintop when the falling rocks struck them, and now visitors are not allowed to ascend the mountain within the area. He also mentioned seeing two ambulances heading up the mountain with several injured people being carried down.

Furthermore, on May 1st, a blogger in mainland China posted a video revealing the discovery of a “Spicy Stick Assassin” in a childhood-themed snack shop in Suzhou. The price tag on the spicy stick indicated 0.7 yuan, seemingly cheap, but it was actually costed at 85 yuan per kilogram.

After this incident gained attention, the Market Supervision Administration of Gusu District in Suzhou announced on May 2nd that the online reports were mostly accurate. Although products on-site were priced, they were inconsistent with consumers’ perception of normal product pricing. The store has been urged to make corrections.