“Mark Times: CCP Test-fires Intercontinental Missiles to Cover up Nuclear Submarine Submergence”

Last week, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) conducted the first test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile in the Pacific in 44 years, drawing attention from many countries with Japan’s reaction being particularly strong. However, shortly after the missile test, several American media outlets reported that US Department of Defense officials revealed that a new type of small nuclear submarine belonging to the CCP sank in Wuhan in May this year, but the CCP has been covering it up.

The CCP Rocket Force test-launched an intercontinental ballistic missile carrying a simulated training warhead into the Pacific on Wednesday, September 25th, marking the second time since 1980 that the CCP has test-launched an intercontinental ballistic missile into the Pacific. The missile is said to have been launched from Hainan Island and the warhead landed near the French Polynesian northern island group, the Marquesas Islands, approximately 12,000 kilometers away from Hainan Island.

The CCP’s launch this time was relatively high-profile, even releasing a photo. However, this photo has sparked various discussions as the CCP did not specify the missile model, and these intercontinental ballistic missile launch photos have never been made public before. Thus, there are different interpretations online questioning whether the missile was Dongfeng 41, Dongfeng 31A, or Dongfeng 31AG.

US defense officials disclosed to media outlets such as CNN and The Wall Street Journal that CCP’s latest nuclear-powered attack submarine suffered a major technical failure and sank in a shipyard in Wuhan in May. The US is currently unsure if the submarine was carrying nuclear fuel when it sank, but the likelihood is high. Due to the fact that the nuclear reactor of a nuclear-powered submarine cannot be shut down and must run at a low level even in port, there is a high possibility of nuclear contamination in the vicinity of the submarine.

This incident was first disclosed on social media in July by Tom Shugart, a senior researcher at the New American Security Center think tank. Shugart at that time analyzed abnormal situations in satellite images, concluding that a 039A series conventional-powered submarine had a malfunction and sank at a loading dock.

I previously detailed Shugart’s findings in a video released on July 24th. Those interested can seek it out for more information. The disclosure by US Department of Defense officials likely relates to the CCP’s intercontinental missile test. You try to showcase nuclear power, but I’ll tell everyone that your capabilities are not impressive, considering you just lost a nuclear submarine and dare not admit it.

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