Mark Time and Space: US General Supports Ukraine with $8 Billion, JSOW is Highlight

On Thursday (September 26), US President Biden announced a military aid package of approximately $8 billion to Ukraine to assist in their efforts to resist Russian invasion. On the same day, Ukrainian President Zelensky visited the White House and met with President Biden.

The majority of the new assistance, around $5.6 billion, comes from the “Presidential Armaments Authority” and will be directly drawn from US military stockpiles. This authorization is set to expire at the end of the US fiscal year on September 30, necessitating the allocation to be completed before then. An additional $2.4 billion is provided under the “Ukrainian Security Assistance Initiative,” which involves purchasing security assistance from US companies. President Biden stated that this will provide Ukraine with additional “anti-aircraft, drones, and air-to-ground ammunition,” while also enhancing Ukraine’s defense industry base.

Just recently on the 25th, the US announced a $375 million “Presidential Armaments Authority” aid package to Ukraine, including 10 patrol boats, replenishment ammunition for Javelin anti-tank systems, 155mm and 105mm artillery ammunition, and the first delivery of Joint Strike Outer Weapon (JSOW) to Ukraine. JSOW is a precision-guided glide bomb with a range of up to 130 kilometers, similar in principle to JDAM but specifically designed with enhanced infrared guidance and multiple warhead options.

Despite Ukrainian attempts to mount a strategic offensive in Russia’s Kharkiv Oblast, Russian forces made rapid advances in August, with the previously held town of Khiladar facing potential encirclement after nearly three years of defense. It is estimated that this town may soon fall to the Russian military.

Khiladar, a town located in southeastern Donetsk Oblast of Ukraine, has long been a strategic defense stronghold. Reports from Russian military blogs suggest that Ukrainian forces are at risk of being surrounded by Russian troops. Telegram messages on September 23 indicated that Russian forces had entered Khiladar and attacks on the town had commenced. Situated approximately 80 kilometers south of Pokrovsk, Khiladar had a pre-war population of around 14,000. Its elevated position in the surrounding plains makes it relatively easy to defend.

Furthermore, facing fierce resistance from Ukrainian forces, Russian troops are reportedly employing scorched-earth tactics, using artillery and glide bombs to level Khiladar, destroying the city and surrounding it from the flanks. Reuters reports that Russian forces, having numerical superiority, are rapidly advancing westward, encircling multiple towns and forcing exhausted Ukrainian troops to retreat.

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