Maotai prices drop below 2300 yuan as scalpers start to stop buying

China’s economy continues to stagnate with insufficient consumption. The latest market prices show that a bottle of Feitian Maotai has dropped below 2300 yuan, with reports indicating that many scalpers have started to refuse Maotai.

According to third-party liquor pricing data, on September 22nd, the price of a single bottle of Feitian Maotai was reported at 2270 yuan per bottle, a decrease of 30 yuan from the previous day at 2300 yuan per bottle. The price for a case of Feitian Maotai remained unchanged at 2390 yuan per bottle. On September 23rd, the price for a single bottle of Feitian Maotai further dropped to 2250 yuan per bottle, while a case of Feitian Maotai was priced at 2365 yuan per bottle.

An article from the “China Business News” on September 23rd reported that the price of Feitian Maotai is steadily declining with a trend of continued downward pressure, leading to many scalpers refusing to accept Maotai.

A liquor distributor, Old Ma (alias), mentioned that the price of Feitian Maotai has been consistently decreasing. According to market information he gathered, a single bottle of Feitian Maotai is priced around 2250 yuan, while a case is around 2370 yuan per bottle.

“In actual transactions, prices may be even lower,” Old Ma revealed, adding that the current trading volume for Feitian Maotai is very low. To stimulate transactions, sellers may further reduce prices by 100 to 200 yuan.

A scalper, Liu Wen (alias), who is involved in Maotai liquor business, stated that the price of Feitian Maotai has been declining and is expected to continue to do so. Many scalpers have already stopped accepting Feitian Maotai. Currently, many people in the market are selling original cases of Feitian Maotai at low prices, with the Dragon Year Maotai zodiac liquor falling below the issuance price.

As early as the late August, the price of Feitian Maotai began to loosen, with scalpers revealing prices of 2550 yuan per bottle for single bottles and 2750 yuan per bottle for cases at that time.

Old Ma mentioned that the price of Feitian Maotai is now lower than at the beginning of the year, and from the current situation, it is likely to continue falling. Liu Wen also predicts that the price of a single bottle of Feitian Maotai may fall below 2000 yuan in the future.

An analyst from a brokerage firm, Dong Qiudi (alias), who focuses on the liquor industry, believes that the demand for Feitian Maotai continues to weaken, while the supply side keeps increasing, leading to a severe imbalance between supply and demand, thus causing the price of Feitian Maotai to continue to decline.