Man from Xi’an Dies During Detention, Prison Accused of Delay in Announcing Death

The case of “Xianyang Genuine Defense” involving Wang Xiaogang, who suffers from schizophrenia, ended in tragedy when he unexpectedly developed hemorrhagic anemia two months ago and died after undergoing surgery at the hospital. Wang Xiaogang’s relative Wang Xiaoqin raised suspicions that the detention center where Wang Xiaogang was held only officially declared his death three days after his body began to emit a foul odor. She vowed to hold those responsible accountable.

According to Wang Xiaoqin, the sister of Wang Xiaogang, he passed away on the morning of July 20, but the detention center, in an attempt to evade responsibility, colluded with the hospital director, claiming they were using the best doctors, medications, and equipment to save Wang Xiaogang until his body started decomposing on July 23 before officially declaring him dead.

On July 19, Wang Xiaogang was brought to the hospital’s emergency room by detention center police officers in the late afternoon and was later transferred to the monitoring ward.

Wang Xiaoqin recounted, “At 2:50 am on July 20, a detention center officer called me asking to sign consent for surgery for Wang Xiaogang. When I inquired about his illness, the officer refused to disclose any information, not even mentioning his critical condition. It wasn’t until 11:40 am that Director Zhang Minghui finally agreed to sign for the surgery, wasting over ten hours.”

She continued, “I arrived at the hospital around 8 o’clock in the morning with a friend, but we were not allowed to see him. It wasn’t until 11 am that I saw my brother in the ICU, severely swollen all over, with his head ballooned like a basketball, eyes filled with pus, appearing lifeless, lips pale, and multiple organ failures, indicating he might have already passed away.”

From the afternoon of July 20 onwards, doctors continuously informed her that Wang Xiaogang had lost 99% of his vital signs, with only a 1% chance of survival, which was very slim. Despite suggesting to declare him dead due to the slim chances, the doctors insisted on further rescue efforts until his official death declaration on the afternoon of July 23, likely to help the detention center shirk responsibility. After the announcement of his death on July 23, Wang Xiaogang’s body in the morgue was already showing signs of swelling and discoloration.

Wang Xiaogang was rushed to the hospital due to hemorrhagic anemia caused by gastrointestinal bleeding, with his clothes soaked in blood, which mysteriously disappeared later. Wang Xiaoqin has been trying to trace the whereabouts of the blood-soaked clothes, but the intensive care unit doctors said the clothes were taken by detention center officers, while the public security bureau claimed they couldn’t find them, leading her to believe they were destroyed to eliminate evidence.

During Wang Xiaogang’s hospitalization, the detention center and public security officers were heavily stationed at the hospital, acting as if facing a major threat, with many officers deployed daily. Wang Xiaoqin said, “Numerous police officers were stationed outside the ICU every day, with around six to seven present at all times, working in shifts. What’s more, in the early hours of the 22nd, when doctors informed that Wang Xiaogang’s condition was deteriorating, I rushed to the ICU downstairs, only to be shocked by the sight of about eight to nine police cars parked there.”

When contacted, the nurse manning the phone at Xianyang Hospital’s ICU claimed to have no knowledge of Wang Xiaogang’s case and mentioned that the head doctor was unavailable.

Efforts to reach Zhang Minghui, the director of the Weicheng District Detention Center in Xianyang City, were unsuccessful as his phone was not reachable.

Similarly, attempts to contact Xu, the detention officer at the Weicheng District Detention Center in Xianyang City, were futile as his phone continuously remained engaged.

Wang Xiaoqin has made multiple attempts to apply for Wang Xiaogang’s release on bail pending trial, but all her petitions have been rejected by the court.

She expressed, “Two weeks ago, the lawyer I hired, Shao Chenyang, applied to the second-instance court for a physical examination of Wang Xiaogang and his release on bail pending trial. However, the presiding judge stated that the detention center did not report any health issues concerning Wang Xiaogang to the court, hence the release couldn’t be granted.”

Furthermore, following the Wang Xiaogang case, the detention center in the Weicheng District of Xianyang City has been obstructing lawyers from meeting with clients, citing instructions from the Weicheng District Court. After a secret conclusion of the first trial in the Wang Xiaogang case, the Weicheng District Detention Center continued to restrict lawyer visits during the second trial.

In a peculiar incident on July 11, Lawyer Shao Chenyang and Wang Xiaoqin, after communicating with the judge handling the second trial, faced difficulties meeting Wang Xiaogang, as the detention center hindered the visit citing court directives. However, Shao Chenyang encountered a court clerk who had just met Wang Xiaogang. This led to heated argument between Shao Chenyang and the detention center officers, resulting in access being finally granted to meet Wang Xiaogang.

At that point, Wang Xiaogang was unable to communicate normally with anyone and was in extremely poor physical condition. However, the detention center never mentioned these circumstances to the court.

Wang Xiaoqin stated, “With the situation escalating to this extent, someone must be held accountable. My lawyer and I will steadfastly pursue legal action against the irresponsible Weicheng District Detention Center and the judiciary officials who violated the law in the first trial, seeking justice for my unfairly treated brother, Wang Xiaogang.”

Wang Xiaogang, aged 48, was an official employee of the Northwest Electric Power Construction Company and developed mental illness due to disputes arising from a work-related injury in 2007, necessitating medication for control. His unpaid wages and other rightful income have yet to be compensated, and his pension payments were suspended. His father, Wang Yingqiang, suffered disabilities after advocating for his rights and was beaten, while his mother passed away.

On September 28, 2022, following recurrent disturbances caused by the government-employed social worker Ma Yongkui towards his father, leading up to a confrontation by the end of September where Wang Xiaogang defended his family with a stick, causing injuries to Ma Yongkui, who was later fatally run over by his son who intervened.

Subsequently, Wang Xiaogang was taken into custody by the police and placed under surveillance.

After being covertly sentenced in the first trial of Wang Xiaogang, the Weicheng District Detention Center continued to restrict lawyer visitations in the second trial. It was only on July 11, 2024 when lawyers could finally meet Wang Xiaogang, but by then, he was already unable to communicate normally and in extremely poor health, succumbing to a hemorrhagic disease a week later.