Mainland Residents Expose Escalating Pandemic with Numerous Mysterious Deaths.

During and after the May Day holiday, the epidemic in China has been escalating. Many residents in various areas revealed that the epidemic never really went away, and the authorities have been concealing and not reporting the true situation. Hospitals are not conducting nucleic acid testing, treating COVID-19 as a common cold, leading to many cases of cross-infection and numerous unexplained deaths.

Prior to the “May Day” holiday, the Chinese CDC issued a rare notice stating that the COVID-19 virus (COVID-19, CCP virus) is still mutating, with an increase in the number of travelers during the holiday potentially raising the risk of epidemic spread. The notice called for strengthening epidemic prevention and control in institutions such as nursing homes, kindergartens, and schools. It emphasized implementing environmental disinfection, tracking and registering individuals absent due to illness, and vigilantly preventing outbreaks.

On May 1st, Chinese historian Li Yuanhua in Australia told Epoch Times that the epidemic in China is severe, and the CCP can no longer hide it. Out of fear, they issued this notice. “It has conducted a real investigation into the epidemic and has realized that if it does not control it soon, there may be another large-scale outbreak. It knows the dangers of the epidemic and is afraid, hence why it is now proposing prevention and control measures.”

The notice also required major hospitals to set up fever clinics, emergency medical response teams, and to screen symptomatic individuals to reduce the risk of epidemic transmission. It also called for attention at airports and ports to key infectious diseases such as COVID-19, conducting nucleic acid testing for incoming travelers and enhancing health quarantine for individuals arriving from countries or regions with high incidence of the epidemic.

Li Yuanhua pointed out that now the CCP is requiring nucleic acid testing for foreigners and strengthening quarantine measures for people coming from countries with high epidemic risks. He questioned, “Apart from China, which other countries are experiencing high epidemic levels? It seems clear they are preparing to shift blame for a new wave of the epidemic.”

“It seems like this new wave of the epidemic is coming from foreign countries, as the domestic epidemic has never ceased, and recently it has become quite serious. If suddenly there is a large-scale outbreak of a new wave of the epidemic, with a significant number of deaths, the people will surely blame them. If you don’t allow testing, diagnosis, or treatment, there is no way to address it properly. This practice of going against medical norms will lead to virus cross-infections and new mutations,” Li Yuanhua stated.

Starting in late 2019 in Wuhan, the CCP virus outbreak spread rapidly worldwide because the CCP falsely claimed: “Preventable and controllable, not transmitted person-to-person,” leading to widespread blame-shifting alleging the epidemic originated from the United States. To this day, many Chinese people still believe this lie propagated by the CCP.

In early 2023, the CCP declared the epidemic was basically over, after which, COVID-19 became a taboo topic.

Recently, residents in many regions have revealed that the epidemic never truly disappeared; the authorities have been concealing and not reporting the full extent of the situation. Around the May Day holiday, the epidemic spiked again with many people experiencing recurrent cold symptoms, coughing, and numerous unexplained deaths.

On May 1st, a resident from Anhui, Mr. Lu, stated, “The local epidemic has intensified again, with a sudden surge of fever and cold cases. Hospitals are crowded all the time, and the media has also reported to avoid gatherings during the May Day holiday.”

He disclosed that from last winter until now, many people around him have passed away, including entrepreneurs, public figures in their forties and fifties, some experiencing sudden deaths or unexplained deaths, all likely related to the epidemic and vaccination. During this period, there have been long queues at funerals as well.

A resident from Liaoning, Mr. Li, revealed that many elderly people have passed away in the area recently. He mentioned, “In the past few days, as far as I know, six or seven elderly people have passed away, all in their sixties or seventies, usually with decent health, but passed away inexplicably.”

In late April, a resident from Yan’an City in Shaanxi told Epoch Times, “In the nearby villages, there are many deaths among the elderly. A few days ago, when I drove by, I saw three or four households with mourning halls. It’s common for three to five elderly people to pass away in a single village. Many young people are also complaining of discomfort, with a rise in cold and fever cases.”

He believed that these situations are related to cross-infections from the epidemic and receiving domestic vaccines.

He said, “Many young people are experiencing recurring colds, fevers, coughs, throat discomfort, dizziness, and reduced appetite. When they go to the hospital, even for a minor cold, they have to spend hundreds or thousands of yuan. When you visit, doctors diagnose it as a common cold, prescribe a bunch of medications and demand payment, but these actions deny them the ability to properly treat or prevent. This deviation from basic medical knowledge leads to virus cross-infections and new variations.”

A resident from Hebei, Mr. Yao, disclosed that a friend of his suddenly passed away after receiving the vaccine. He was 48 or 49 years old with decent health, but unfortunately experienced a stroke shortly after vaccination, leading to a costly hospitalization and eventually becoming a vegetable until passing away back in his hometown.

A resident from Guiyang City, Guizhou, Mr. Liu noted that in recent years, he has seen multiple people around him pass away due to the epidemic.

“After the authorities lifted the restrictions, they no longer disclose the number of people infected with COVID-19. Hospitals are also avoiding mentioning the epidemic, attributing cases to the flu or respiratory diseases. There has been an increase in cardiovascular diseases, and more people have died, with several recent deaths from heart attacks among the elderly in their sixties, and the hospitals and funeral homes are often overwhelmed.”

A Ding from Luoyang revealed that the epidemic has been coming in waves, intensifying recently, with hospitals full to capacity every day and continuous sudden deaths.

“Just these past few days, several people around me, aged between forty and fifty, have passed away due to sudden heart attacks, strokes, or unexplained reasons, collapsing suddenly with no chance for help to arrive before they’re gone.”

These individuals who “were in decent health suddenly fell, some were in the middle of activities and collapsed, possibly related to receiving the COVID vaccine.”

Many residents in various regions revealed that those who have passed away around them were often individuals brainwashed by the CCP propaganda.

A resident from Henan, Mr. Li, stated, “Recently, we have had many people passing away, with six or seven people having left recently, including my neighbors. They were all under seventy, experiencing cerebral hemorrhages, all of them avid supporters of the CCP, always whitewashing the Party in their conversations.”

A resident from Fujian, Mr. Lin, added, “Many around me have suffered strokes and heart attacks, with deaths among middle-aged, entrepreneurs in their thirties or forties, and young people working in various fields. Many of them appear disoriented and unresponsive.”

A resident from Yulin City, Shaanxi, Mr. Li, revealed that hospitals were overwhelmed, with many beds filled, and many young adults had died from fevers, respiratory diseases, with about seven or eight individuals passing away—ranging from their fifties to twenties, including government officials, corporate workers, and private business owners, all of whom had been brainwashed by the CCP’s propaganda.

In March 2020, during the early stages of the epidemic, founder of Falun Gong Master Li Hongzhi warned in an article titled “Rationality” that the current “CCP virus” (Wuhan pneumonia) pandemic had a purpose and target. It was meant to eliminate party members associated with the evil party, those aligned with the CCP’s evil ways.

Master Li cautioned, “Stay away from the CCP, do not stand with the evil party, because behind it is a red devil, behaving like a thug and committing all sorts of evils. God is about to eliminate it, and those who stand with it will be purged. For those who don’t believe, just wait and see.”