Lulu appears suddenly without interviews, surrounded by media causing a conflict.

Recently, entertainer Huang Zijiao has been embroiled in a scandal involving inappropriate videos. His apprentice, “Lulu” Huang Luyin, expressed her dismay in a social media post earlier, condemning the situation. However, at a brand event today (17th), she was informed last minute that she would not be taking interviews, causing chaos at the scene and resulting in a pushing and shoving altercation.

Lulu had already shared her thoughts on social media before attending the event today. It is unclear whether she was instructed by the company to remain silent. As soon as the event concluded, she was escorted away by staff, leaving Lulu visibly surprised. Surrounding cameras immediately swarmed her, and the situation escalated into chaos, leading to a pushing and shoving conflict, making it difficult for Lulu to move, and she even displayed a distressed expression as she was pushed around by the media.

She chose not to respond to any questions from the media, maintaining a solemn expression. A photographer even scolded her, “Can’t you just stop and have a decent conversation?” Tensions ran high. Eventually, after entering the elevator, Lulu concluded the press conference.

Another artist present at the event was Cai Fanxi, who found herself alone in the midst of the chaos. As the scene grew more chaotic, Cai Fanxi appeared to be the most innocent person in the entire event.

Editor-in-charge: Liu Yuhang