Lawyer Yu Wensheng and his wife are prosecuted; their only son is admitted to a mental hospital for treatment.

Beijing human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng and his wife Xu Yan have been charged with “inciting subversion of state power” and other offenses and have been prosecuted in court. Their only son, Yu Zhenyang, has developed severe depression due to living in this oppressive environment for a long time, with multiple suicide attempts recorded. He is currently undergoing treatment at a psychiatric hospital in Beijing.

Yu Wensheng and Xu Yan were transferred from Beijing to Jiangsu Suzhou for detention in January this year. They were sent back for further investigation by the prosecutor’s office on charges of “inciting subversion of state power” and “picking quarrels and provoking troubles.” April 30 was the deadline for investigation, and according to legal sources, the investigation has concluded, and the case has been sent to court for prosecution.

A source who wished to remain anonymous told a reporter, “The case of Yu Wensheng and Xu Yan has been submitted to the court. Xu Yan has a protruding lumbar disc, and her family is applying to the prosecutor’s office for release on bail pending trial, but there has been no response yet.”

The source stated, “I believe this case involves ideological matters, and they have not caused any substantial harm to society, such as committing crimes like assault, murder, or arson. They should be acquitted.”

“They have not harmed anyone or engaged in any activities that disrupt social order. Just taking the subway to attend a meeting at an embassy is a basic freedom. You cannot restrict me from going anywhere; this is a fundamental freedom. Therefore, I believe the lawyer should defend them as innocent.”

During her detention at Shijingshan Detention Center, Xu Yan developed pain in her left calf due to forced labor, and her left leg and left hand became numb. However, the police did not provide treatment, and she eventually couldn’t even walk. It was later discovered that her lumbar disc protrusion had compressed a nerve, requiring surgery.

Due to the prolonged oppression and incarceration of his parents, their 19-year-old son, Yu Zhenyang, has suffered from severe depression and has been admitted to the Beijing Rilongguan Psychiatric Hospital for treatment. During treatment, Yu Zhenyang admitted to attempting suicide nine times. Doctors have recommended a treatment period of three to six months.

As Yu Zhenyang lacks medical insurance and other forms of assistance, his family has struggled to apply for social assistance for him. Despite this, the hospital treatment costs still need to be covered out of pocket, which is a significant burden of around 1,000 yuan per day.

Some non-governmental organizations overseas have called on the Chinese authorities to release Yu Wensheng and Xu Yan unconditionally. These organizations have also been in contact with their families to understand their conditions in prison and to inquire about Yu Zhenyang’s health and treatment expenses.

The source also stated, “The arrest of Yu Wensheng and his wife has taken a heavy toll on their entire family. With the three of them facing such circumstances, the family is devastated, causing a significant impact on their larger family. We hope Yu Wensheng will be acquitted soon, and Xu Yan can receive prompt medical treatment and return to Beijing to take care of Yu Zhenyang. The child’s mood will change once he knows his mother is out. The impact and harm this situation has brought to their family are immense.”

Lawyer Yu Wensheng has been repeatedly arrested and detained by the police due to his work on human rights cases. On April 13, 2023, while heading to an event at the EU Embassy in Beijing, Yu Wensheng and his wife were intercepted by the police at a subway station and subsequently detained and charged with “inciting subversion of state power.”