Lawyer: Creator gives an opportunity to see if people can comprehend in confusion.

Falun Dafa founder Master Li Hongzhi recently published an article titled “Why Humans Are Lost in Society,” sparking readers’ reflections and providing them with inspiration.

Former mainland human rights lawyer Wu Shaoping, after reading Master Li’s article, came to the realization that human society is a “lost” society, where people are all “lost in their own authority” and being watched by higher beings. He said that this lost society is an opportunity given by the divine, it depends on whether one can comprehend the will of the Creator and make choices accordingly.

Born in the late 1970s of the previous century, Wu Shaoping felt since childhood that life was like a maze that puzzled him. He wondered why there was so much misfortune and suffering in life – the passing of parents, childhood poverty, social injustice… “Why do I have to endure so much hardship?” He often asked himself like this, but couldn’t find an answer despite searching high and low.

After reading the article “Why Humans Are Lost in Society,” he understood that human society is intentionally designed this way, “(Master Li said) among the three realms, we are the lowest level of life, but there are higher-level beings with wisdom that can understand us. So, what kind of beings are they? In our understanding, they are heavenly beings; thus, there are gods and Buddhas in heaven who can see through you.”

Wu Shaoping said that this made him think of a saying: “Those who are lost in the situation, onlookers see clearly,” “Heavenly beings regarding us humans as onlookers, we humans are unable to see ourselves clearly in the confusion, but there is a higher wisdom that can see through you, I think it is gods and Buddhas in heaven watching over you.”

Why did Heaven create such a “lost” environment for humans? Wu Shaoping understands, “I think God is testing humanity, to give humans the opportunity to redeem themselves, whether you choose heaven or hell.”

In this lost society, Wu Shaoping said, “You are allowed to make your choice, if you choose correctly, you will return to heaven; if you choose wrongly, you will descend into hell.”

So how to make the choice? Wu Shaoping said that Master Li provides the answer in the article, which is to persist in “goodness.”

“I think Master Li actually gives an answer in this matter, that is, because everyone is lost, when you are exploring the maze of your life, the maze of humanity, you must guide yourself with the power of good, hold on to this kindness, and rely on the goodness of human nature to navigate through your difficulties, overcome your hardships. Because you uphold this kind of goodness, you may receive salvation, in Master Li’s words, your karmic debts may be washed away.”

“I think humans are meant to aspire to goodness, the more lost you are, the more you must uphold your innate goodness, the kindness of human nature can help you eliminate karmic debts.”

He said, actually, the process of upholding goodness is also a process of “atonement” and “sublimation,” “That is, you must hold onto your innate kindness, this means you have to atone, then you can return to heaven, you must have a pure character.”

“What should a pure person hold onto then? It is the human nature, the goodness that one needs to hold onto, having a compassionate heart, having a great love, to achieve this kind of sublimation of life,” he said.

Regarding the concept of “karmic debts,” Wu Shaoping believes it overlaps with Christianity, “In Master Li’s words, everyone has karmic debts, you have to repay them in this life, in the next life,” “In Christian terms, it means everyone carries original sin,” “Everyone is a sinner, you have to repent to God for redemption.”

Wu Shaoping understands, “Karmic debts” are also the reason for the fall into confusion.

“Originally, you could have had higher wisdom and capabilities to see more, but it’s possibly because you carry karmic debts throughout your life, or you didn’t eliminate them, so your wisdom becomes increasingly limited, your capabilities become increasingly limited, ultimately, falling further down, downward spiral.”

Wu Shaoping said, only by understanding the truths in Master Li’s article can one obtain salvation and a bright future.

“Just like Jesus Christ used his life to atone for others’ sins, can you comprehend such intentions of God, can you comprehend the will of the Creator?” he asked, “If you understand, you can naturally know that the Creator is bearing the suffering for you, assisting you, (working towards) saving sentient beings.”

On the contrary, if one does not comprehend, they cannot hold onto kindness.

“Then they will fall, unable to elevate life to a higher level of wisdom, using Buddhist terms, they will go to hell, unable to continue reincarnating as humans, because they failed to uphold goodness, so despite the efforts of the Creator, if they do not seize the opportunity, their karmic debts won’t be eliminated, they won’t receive salvation, they won’t be able to return to heaven, using Christian terms, they won’t be able to enter heaven.”