Land Administration Bureau: 70% of Taiwanese Satisfied with Rental Subsidy Policy

The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Land Administration Department (Land Department) stated today (23rd) that rental subsidy is one of the three major housing policies, and the Land Department will continue to support the housing needs of tenants through the “Million Rental Household Support Program.” According to the satisfaction survey of the rental subsidy from 2023 to 2024 fiscal year, the public’s satisfaction with the rental subsidy policy reached as high as 70%.

The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of China Land Administration Department issued a press release today in response to media reports regarding the record-high budget for rental subsidies next year. The Land Department clarified and explained that when the Housing Law was promulgated on December 30, 2011, the rental subsidy was already stipulated in Chapter 2, the special chapter for housing subsidies.

To effectively alleviate the burden of living for the people, the Land Department stated that the central government continues to promote three major policies of directly constructing social housing, leasing and managing, and rental subsidies. Since 2022, the Central Expanded Rental Subsidy Project with an initial budget of NT$30 billion (approximately $9.94 billion USD) has been implemented. As of the end of August, the number of approved subsidy households has increased from 278,000 in 2022 to over 800,000 applicants today, with a confirmed number of over 628,000 households. This demonstrates that the “Million Rental Household Policy” and its supporting measures have indeed benefited and supported tenants, including many young people, university students, and newlywed families, providing tangible benefits under the central housing policy.

The Land Administration Department of the Republic of China analyzed that, firstly, through the rental subsidy policy, tenants receive the most direct support and assistance. According to the satisfaction survey of the rental subsidy from 2023 to 2024, the public’s satisfaction with the rental subsidy policy reached 70%, with the majority being young people. The analysis by the Ministry of the Interior shows that recipients of rental subsidies have actually reduced their living burden by 40% to 50%. In the six cities (Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Taichung City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City), the reduction in burden was 46%, while in non-six cities and counties, the reduction rate was 51%. This indicates that the rental subsidy effectively reduces the living burden of applicants by 40% to 50%.

Secondly, through the NT$30 billion Central Expanded Rental Subsidy Project, substantial rental data has been collected from the market. By anonymizing and protecting privacy, actual rental statistics for campuses of national universities and administrative districts were published in August this year, allowing the public to understand market rental prices and make informed decisions on reasonable rent burdens. Subsequent regular statistical publications will help stabilize rental prices in the housing market, gradually eradicating the black market of renting and developing a healthy rental market.

Thirdly, by amending the Lease Law and standardizing contract provisions, the rental contract is fully protected under the Consumer Protection Law. Landlords are prohibited from restricting tenants’ applications for rent subsidies. Since August this year, the Taiwan Legal Aid Foundation has been providing free legal advice on rental disputes to tenants, further ensuring the rights of tenants.

The Land Administration Department of the Republic of China stated that after achieving the target of 200,000 social housing units by the end of this year, it will continue to expand the country’s capacity to support living through the “Million Rental Household Support Program.” Considering the career and life planning of young people, anyone residing in any county or city domestically can apply for rental subsidies, substantially reducing the living burden, not subsidizing landlords. Emphasizing that the rental subsidy policy has achieved significant results and practically addresses the living needs of tenants, it will be expanded next year, reaffirming that the rental subsidy policy is not about throwing money away. The housing policy supporting measures of directly constructing and leasing and managing 250,000 units each for eight years will be accomplished as scheduled and in full.

The Land Administration Department of the Republic of China emphasized that the direct construction of social housing, leasing and managing, and rental subsidies are mutually supportive and not contradictory. True housing justice is to construct a comprehensive and diverse housing support system that meets the living needs of the people, providing diverse choices for their living and lifestyles.