Lai Ching-te’s “One China” Theory Sparks Controversy, Video Taken Down from Weibo

Recently, President of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Lai Ching-te, made remarks at the National Day celebration event, discussing the concept of “Motherland” using the perspective of age, which has garnered international media attention. Analysts view Lai Ching-te as an expert in cognitive warfare, essentially using the enemy’s own tactics against them, and achieving a significant victory in the realm of counter-cognitive warfare.

During his speech at the National Day celebration on the 5th, Lai Ching-te raised the argument that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) could never become the “Motherland” of the people of the Republic of China (ROC). This statement not only sparked debates in Taiwan but also made headlines on the homepage of the UK media outlet, The Guardian.

He emphasized that the PRC just celebrated its 75th birthday on October 1st, while the ROC will soon celebrate its 113th birthday. He stated, “In terms of age, it is absolutely impossible for the People’s Republic of China to become the Motherland of the people of the Republic of China. Instead, the Republic of China may be the Motherland for people in the People’s Republic of China aged 75 and above.”

In response to Lai’s statements, Wu Si-yao, DPP Legislative Yuan caucus secretary-general, praised his clear and concise communication, saying that it resonated with the public. Wu described Lai’s approach as a simple mathematical and logical problem, focusing on historical truths and facts to foster internal consensus.

President Xi Jinping previously signaled China’s determination to achieve the historical task of complete reunification of the “Motherland” at the 110th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution in October 2021.

Lai Ching-te’s reinterpretation of the term “Motherland” challenges the narrative propagated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). According to General Yu Zong-ji, former dean of the Political Warfare College at Taiwan’s National Defense University, Lai has been precise and effective in his cognitive warfare against the CCP, establishing himself as an expert among experts.

General Yu explained that the CCP has long utilized alternative facts in its cognitive warfare against Taiwan, repeatedly spreading lies until they become perceived truths. In contrast, counter-cognitive warfare aims to restore the truth by confronting propaganda with factual reality.

By leveraging historical truths, Lai Ching-te has employed a strategic approach to unify internal consensus, countering the CCP’s attempts to exploit divisions within Taiwan based on the concept of the “Motherland.”

Moreover, Lai’s recent remarks on the concept of the “Motherland” have led to significant discussions in the Chinese-language public opinion sphere. However, according to Voice of America, a Chinese social media platform, Weibo, with over 1.1 million followers, shared a video clip of Lai Ching-te’s speech from the National Day celebration event, adding annotations suggesting that the ROC ceased to exist in 1949. The video was taken down within an hour for unknown reasons.

General Yu noted that the CCP’s swift action to remove the video indicates the impact and persuasiveness of Lai’s discourse. This underscores Taiwan’s shift from a defensive to an offensive posture, demonstrating the effectiveness of proactive strategies against the CCP.

Japanese media veteran Akio Yaita highlighted that the DPP, in the past, had rejected the concept of the ROC’s legitimacy, aiming towards its eventual abolishment. However, Lai’s inclusive stance toward the ROC poses a substantial challenge to the CCP’s narrative.

Yaita emphasized that by accepting Chinese cultural heritage, the CCP faces an internal contradiction, as the ROC predates the PRC in age and lineage. This disruption in the CCP’s narrative presents a significant challenge to its authority over historical legitimacy.

By addressing the historical context, Lai Ching-te’s arguments have played a vital role in countering attempts to diminish Taiwan’s cultural identity and bolstering national unity among Taiwanese society.

President Lai Ching-te’s proactive measures, such as convening the “Society-wide Defense Resilience Committee,” demonstrate Taiwan’s readiness to counter not just direct military threats from the CCP but also its pervasive influence tactics aimed at subduing Taiwan while limiting Western intervention points.

General Yu stressed the importance of building Taiwan’s defense resilience, social resilience, and national defense resilience to effectively navigate and counter the CCP’s multifaceted influence strategies, ensuring Taiwan’s security against aggressive cultural and military threats.