Lai Ching-te: Peace in the Taiwan Strait is an indispensable element of global security

On the upcoming Armed Forces Day of the Republic of China on September 3rd, President Lai Ching-te attended a ceremony today to honor the Armed Forces Day and National Defense Education Day. He emphasized that “peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are essential elements for global security and prosperity. Taiwan must steer towards peace, collectively safeguard our cherished democracy and freedom, uphold national sovereignty, and promote peaceful development in the Taiwan Strait.”

President Lai Ching-te, in his speech at the event today, mentioned that it is the annual “Armed Forces Day Recognition Ceremony”. He extended his congratulations to the groups and colleagues who received awards this year, expressing his deepest respect and gratitude. He also expressed gratitude to all colleagues in the national armed forces, acknowledging each and every one of them as indispensable forces in safeguarding national security and sovereignty. On behalf of all citizens, he thanked every soldier who remains steadfast at their posts.

President Lai praised the exemplary individuals and groups honored today for their diligent work and outstanding performance in their respective roles. One such group is the “Naval Fleet 146”, which received the award for Model Unit of the Armed Forces, responsible for patrol missions around the Taiwan Strait. He recognized the dedication of the fleet’s officers and soldiers who must be on standby at all times, ready to set sail urgently upon receiving orders. He expressed gratitude for their defense of maritime territory and frontline protection of people’s safety.

President Lai highlighted the Air Force’s First Squadron, a model group in the armed forces tasked with crucial air defense surveillance missions. Major General Jiang Yi-hsiu, the squadron leader, is a fighter pilot of the IDF. His son, influenced from a young age, recently completed training at the Army Officer Academy and will soon become a new recruit in the Air Force Officer School, illustrating the dedication passed down for the nation. President Lai expressed appreciation to the First Squadron of the Air Force and thanked Major General Jiang and his son for their willingness to contribute to the country and share the responsibility of defending airspace.

He went on to mention Major Chen Hsing-kuei, the commanding officer of the Field Air Defense Missile Company in Penghu, who was recognized as a model in the armed forces this year. Major Chen not only led his troops to successfully conduct missile shooting tasks in the Penghu region during this year’s Han Kuang Exercises but also achieved a 100% retention rate among colleagues, which was truly commendable.

President Lai expressed his best wishes to the mother of Sergeant Chung Keng-hsiang from the Taitung Command, who could not attend due to undergoing chemotherapy. He praised Sergeant Chung’s outstanding performance as a model in the armed forces and wished his mother a speedy recovery and good health.

Due to time constraints, President Lai couldn’t individually introduce each of the awarded groups and individuals. However, he emphasized that the excellent performance of all recipients has shown the people of the country that the armed forces are the most important force in safeguarding national security and the lives and property of the people.

President Lai acknowledged recipients of the Outstanding Contribution Award for National Defense Education, Reserve Counseling Officer Model, and the Model of Respect for the Military, believing that with “military love and civilian respect,” the country’s security barrier will continue to strengthen. He expressed sincere gratitude to all sectors of society that love the country and support the armed forces, hoping everyone will continue to be the strongest backing for the armed forces along with the government.

President Lai mentioned his recent visit to Kinmen to host the memorial ceremony for the 66th anniversary of the victory in the 823 Battle. There was also a concert organized by the Ministry of Defense to ensure that more young brothers and sisters could understand this history. He emphasized the sacrifices and efforts of countless military and civilian compatriots in history to uphold democracy, freedom, and promote prosperity on this land through generations, allowing past sacrifices to be remembered and previous hardships to be revered.

“The peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are indispensable elements for global security and prosperity. Taiwan must steer towards peace by upholding the ‘Four Adherences,’ collectively safeguarding our cherished democracy and freedom, upholding national sovereignty, protecting Taiwan and its surrounding islands, and promoting peace in the Taiwan Strait,” stated President Lai. He emphasized that peace achieved through strength is the true peace, and Taiwan, as a peace-loving country whose people are kind-hearted, will continue to enhance its self-defense capabilities and demonstrate its determination to defend the country to the world.

President Lai pointed out that the national defense budget for the next fiscal year will continue to increase. It is crucial to not only enhance asymmetric warfare capabilities but also provide better training, equipment, and care to the armed forces in order to become a more agile and modernized force.

With Military Day approaching in a few days, President Lai concluded his remarks at today’s event by addressing all brothers and sisters in the armed forces, acknowledging their hard work and expressing pride in them. He thanked every soldier, officer, and their families for their support and understanding, ensuring that the armed forces can safeguard the homeland without any worries. In closing, he once again congratulated all the awardees and their families, hoping that together, they can work towards ensuring peace of mind for the people, societal stability, and national security, and wishing all brothers and sisters in the armed forces a happy Military Day.

Also present at the event today were Minister of National Defense Kao Li-hsiung, Chief of the General Staff Mei Chia-shu, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Security Council Liu Teh-chin, Army Commander Chung Shu-ming, Navy Commander Tang Hua, Air Force Commander Liu Jen-yuan, National Defense University President Liu Chih-pin, Director of the Political Warfare Bureau Chen Yu-lin, and Huang Chen-tsung, Chairman of the Military Friends Society.