Kenyan military aircraft crash, killing 10 including Defense Forces Commander

Kenyan President William Ruto confirmed on Thursday (April 18th) that a military helicopter crashed in the afternoon, resulting in the death of 10 people, including the Chief of Defense Forces, Francis Ogolla, and nine other military personnel.

According to reports from Reuters and CNN, Ruto stated in a press conference that two soldiers survived and are currently receiving treatment in the hospital. Authorities have dispatched an aerial investigation team to determine the cause of the accident.

President Ruto explained that Ogolla had left Nairobi on Thursday to visit troops deployed in the northwest of Kenya and inspect an ongoing school renovation project. The aircraft crashed a few minutes after leaving a school in West Pokot County.

“Our nation has lost one of its bravest generals,” Ruto said. “The passing of General Ogolla is a painful loss to me… an outstanding four-star general lost while fulfilling his duties and serving the country.”

Ogolla previously served as the Commander of the Kenyan Air Force and was promoted by Ruto to Chief of Defense Forces last year.

According to a brief from the Ministry of Defense, Ogolla joined the Kenyan Defense Forces in 1984 and underwent training as a combat pilot with the United States Air Force personnel. He also served as an instructor pilot in the Kenyan Air Force (KAF).

President’s spokesperson, Hussein Mohamed, stated that after the helicopter crash, Ruto called for an emergency meeting of the National Security Council in Nairobi.

Ruto announced that Kenya will observe a three-day mourning period starting from Friday.

Responsibility Editor: Lin Yan