Keep the Air Fresh? Cleverly Clean Five Places in the Home with Baking Soda and More

Want your home to emanate a fresh, clean scent? To achieve this, you should regularly clean or wipe down certain areas. Once your house is sparkling clean, you can enhance the freshness by using homemade candles with your favorite fragrances to add an extra touch of freshness to your home.

You can also fill a jar with water, seasonal fruits like lemons and oranges, and spices to infuse your entire home with a pleasant fruity aroma.

So, if you feel that your home lacks a fresh scent, according to a report from Fox News, make sure to clean the following five areas promptly or regularly.

If you do not empty the trash regularly, your house will start to smell bad; also, make sure to clean the trash can periodically as well.

You don’t have to do this on every trash day – but about once a month, you should scrub the trash can. This will ensure that any stains or spills that could cause odors are removed.

Another trash-related area that needs cleaning is the garbage disposal. Cleaning the garbage disposal is very easy, just a little baking soda and vinegar can provide a good clean.

To eliminate bad odors, cut a lemon and then rinse the garbage disposal with lemon juice to give it a fresh scent.

Additionally, do not let dishes pile up in the sink for too long. Try to develop the habit of washing dishes promptly to avoid any lingering odors.

Carpets and furniture are sure to accumulate dust, dirt, and other odorous substances.

To keep your carpets smelling fresh, sprinkling a little baking soda can work wonders. If you want to add fragrance, mix baking soda with a few drops of essential oils, sprinkle it on the carpet, let it sit preferably overnight, then vacuum it up.

You can also sprinkle baking soda directly on furniture to remove odors. Let it sit for a while and then clean it up with a vacuum cleaner.

If not cleaned regularly, the refrigerator can quickly become dirty.

Stale food will quickly start to smell bad, and unseen spills can also faintly emit odors.

To have a refrigerator that smells fresh, the first step is to keep it organized. Divide the fridge into sections so that items are easy to find, and you can strategically separate your food.

If you find yourself frequently throwing away expired food, try purchasing in smaller quantities. This way, old food won’t go to waste or sit in the fridge past its expiration date.

Regarding actual cleaning of the refrigerator, consider giving it a thorough cleaning every few months. When cleaning the refrigerator, take out all the food and drawers. You can soak the drawers in warm, soapy water while wiping down the interior of the fridge.

For stubborn stains, mix baking soda and vinegar together to help remove them.

Every time you cook on the kitchen countertops, make sure to quickly wipe them down. Whether it’s accumulated dust, cooking or eating crumbs, or fingerprints, a good wipe down of the countertops won’t hurt.

If you need a quick clean, soap and water can do the trick.

Then, you can light a scented candle and place it on the countertop to fill your entire house with a delightful fragrance.

Every few weeks, it’s a good idea to take the bedsheets off the bed and wash them.

Usually, one doesn’t wash their hair every day. Therefore, the oil buildup and resulting odors on the hair could transfer to pillowcases and even pillows.

Regularly washing bedding is essential not only for personal hygiene but also to keep the room smelling fresh.