Jiangsu petitioners visit Beijing, one detained and one placed under surveillance.

On the eve of the 3rd Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, two petitioners from Jiangsu faced difficulties in bringing their grievances to the authorities. 72-year-old petitioner Xu Dongqing was intercepted and sent back after attempting to seek help from the CCP leadership in Zhongnanhai. He has since been detained on suspicion of “provocation and troublemaking.”

Meanwhile, petitioner Wu Qihuo from Suzhou was stopped by local government officials on July 4th as he was preparing to travel to Beijing to raise concerns about the illegal demolition of his home by the Suzhou city government, a matter that has remained unresolved for fifteen years. Wu was then controlled and confined to his home by the officials.

Wu expressed his frustration, stating, “I have given them time to address the issue, but they have failed to fulfill their legal duties. On July 8th, they even increased the number of guards stationed downstairs in my building.”

“The Suzhou city government is responsible for the illegal demolition of my home. When I took my case to court, the court either refused to file it or made biased and unlawful rulings,” Wu continued.

According to official records Wu found online, from February 2014 to April 2024, the court had unlawfully ruled against him in 116 administrative cases he had brought forward.

Wu emphasized, “Despite providing three key pieces of evidence – the collective land not being reclaimed as state-owned land, my home not being within the 2008 Suzhou urban housing demolition plan, and my non-signing of any legal demolition relocation compensation contract – the Suzhou city government failed to proactively fulfill its legal duties and handle the matter according to the law. Instead, they tried to shift the blame onto me. Therefore, I had no choice but to bypass the local government and report and sue to the highest national party and government authorities.”

He further added, “Local government officials not only failed to fulfill their legal duties as stipulated in the Petition Regulations but also deployed thugs and illegally restricted my personal freedom to prevent me from seeking justice according to the law. I hope that everyone will pay attention to the progress of this matter.”

In a separate incident, 72-year-old petitioner Xu Dongqing from Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, faced a similar fate. He was intercepted by Jiangsu police in Beijing on July 3rd after trying to seek help from Xi Jinping due to a lack of avenues for petitioning about his medical treatment and forced eviction in the past.

Xu, who developed heart disease due to being violently evicted by the underworld in 2013 and suffers from various health issues, including hypertension, had been diagnosed as at risk of sudden death. He and his daughter Yang Li have been petitioning without success about illegal land requisition and demolition in Jiangsu Province by the local government for many years. Their attempts have been thwarted by authorities, including the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Public Security, and their living conditions have worsened.

Xu and Yang Li would seize the opportunity when visiting Peking University First Hospital to petition at the National Petition Bureau. However, they often found themselves intercepted before reaching the hospital’s outpatient clinic.

Yang Caiying, Xu’s daughter in Japan, revealed, “Since February 2023, my mother Xu Dongqing and my sister Yang Li have been repeatedly intercepted by Jiangsu police and have been unable to seek medical treatment properly, leading to a deterioration of their health. With no access to proper healthcare and petitioning avenues, they had no other option but to seek help from Xi Jinping.”

On June 24, 2024, when Xu and Yang were seeking medical treatment in Beijing, Yang Li was informed by police officers from the Furou Street Police Station that they were required to cooperate with the Jiangsu local intercepting officials.

In the evening of July 3rd, Xu attempted once again to submit a plea for help to Xi Jinping near Zhongnanhai, only to be intercepted by police officers from the Furou Street Police Station.

Around 8 p.m., Yang Caiying contacted the Beijing 110 platform for help, requesting protection for her mother to prevent her from being taken away by interceptors. She later explained to the Furou Street Police Station the reasons for seeking help from Xi Jinping and accused the station of being bought off by the Jiangsu office in Beijing and collaborating several times in the interceptions.

A female police officer, Huo Tianyi from the Furou Street Police Station, initially claimed that seeking help from Xi Jinping was not illegal but later stated that the station did not follow the proper procedure of handing over the petitioners to the intercepting team. An hour later, Yang Caiying called the station again to inquire about Xu Dongqing’s whereabouts, and Huo Tianyi claimed that Xu had been transferred to the Jintan Binhai Police Station office in Beijing.

Yang Caiying pointed out, “The Furou Street Police Station is fully aware of the situation. Despite claiming to follow the procedure by transferring the petitioners after the interceptions, they never actually completed the required formalities according to legal procedures.”

She further expressed suspicions, stating, “Apart from the stability maintenance measures in Beijing due to the Third Plenary Session, both Chen Jinh…

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