Jia Ping Storytelling: What’s Happening in Today’s Society?

In my childhood, people’s morality was relatively noble. If someone was known to have inappropriate relationships between men and women, it was a scandal in the workplace and among neighbors. If one party was a military spouse, it was considered as “disrupting military marriage” and could lead to imprisonment. However, at some point, people started to overlook such issues, especially after the reform and opening up policies, where everyone became focused on making money. Those with connections and business opportunities would stay out late, while it was rumored that those less fortunate would spend the night in the park, seemingly planning some sort of monetary scheme. Money became the focus, and other matters were disregarded.

During the early stages of reform and opening up, there was a period when planned economy coexisted with the market economy. There was a significant disparity between the national planned prices and market prices for goods. Some units and individuals had power in this area, leading to a mentality of “the daring survive, the timid starve”, with some taking risks.

I remember a young person who made a fortune by exploiting this price difference. Soon, women from outside also emerged, leading to jealousy and conflicts. It is said that “men become corrupt when they have money, and women have money when they become corrupt”. There was a rumor about a former female soldier who would bring her female comrades to various places, some even engaging in questionable activities. Society gradually shifted its focus to money, leading to a deteriorating moral climate.

One incident that shocked me was during the national economic census in 2004. As a census taker responsible for investigating business operations, I encountered peculiar phenomena. In the past, I couldn’t believe when people talked about hidden places of vice and brothels. However, during one visit, I found a room covered with tasteful but indecent pictures. In another place with dim lighting, the female owner sat on the sofa with a mysterious aura, giving me a chilling feeling. It turned out that these dark corners truly existed in society.

Fast forward 20 years, and things have escalated. Recent reports mentioned a high-ranking Chinese official who had over a hundred mistresses. Under the drive of money and power, these mistresses swarmed like flies. It’s not as simple as just giving them money; some women are not easily satisfied, and among a hundred or so mistresses, there are bound to be skilled individuals who constantly update their demands. This official must tread carefully to avoid trouble, as there were reports suggesting that “anti-corruption efforts in China are facilitated by mistresses”. It takes a high level of emotional intelligence to manage such situations.

Work cannot be taken lightly either, as the nuances of the bureaucratic game can be unpredictable. A misstep could lead to losing everything, and even landing in jail. Even in ordinary households, a disagreement between a husband and wife can lead to chaos, let alone a situation with numerous mistresses. It seems that having money and multiple mistresses has become a matter of pride for wealthy men in China. This moral decay has reached a new low in society.

But money is not the root of the problem. Money, like water, can either support or overturn a boat, depending on who is using it. Throughout history, there have been wealthy individuals in China who built bridges, provided food for the needy, and contributed to society in various ways. Countless virtuous individuals and benefactors have left a lasting legacy.

I have a friend from an educated and elegant background, who is not only beautiful but also successful in terms of education and career. Her husband, who appeared honest and hardworking, was promoted to a top position in a state-owned enterprise. Despite their seemingly enviable life with a successful child, their marriage eventually crumbled due to an extramarital affair. It turned out that the woman who lured him away had calculated her moves well, using tactics to capture such a prized catch.

In sales, there’s a saying that “people don’t just love cheap things, they love getting a deal”. Skilled individuals capitalize on this human trait by providing personalized services to their target customers based on individual preferences, whether it’s extravagance, novelty, thrill-seeking, or a desire for bargains. Once ensnared, it’s challenging to break free, as everything is tailored to the individual. These skilled manipulators manage to sell themselves, reclaim their money, and even come away with added value (children).

Fortunately, my friend remained wise and minimized the harm to her child. Her child excelled academically and gained admission to a prestigious university, pursuing advanced degrees thereafter. Meanwhile, her ex-husband faced the hard truth after the glamour of the affair faded, crumbling under various pressures and falling ill within a few years. When the child visited the hospital during the holidays and asked why his father had changed so drastically, his father replied, “I’ve let your mother down, and now God is punishing me.” A family is the cell of society, and if the cells decay, what will become of society? To lead a happy and peaceful life, maintaining a solid moral foundation is essential to prevent potential pitfalls.