Japan and the Philippines Hold First Joint Military Exercises in the South China Sea After Signing Milestone Agreement

The Philippine Armed Forces announced that the Philippines and Japan conducted their first joint military exercise in the South China Sea on Friday, August 2. As the Chinese Communist Party continues to expand its influence in the region, the collaboration between Japan and the Philippines has been increasing.

The exercise took place within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone, similar to a previous exercise held by the Philippines and the United States on Wednesday, July 31.

In a statement, the Philippine Armed Forces (AFP) stated: “This activity aims to strengthen cooperation regionally and internationally, working towards achieving a free and open Indo-Pacific region.”

Both the Philippines and Japan are allies of the United States. Last month, the two countries signed a milestone military agreement allowing the deployment of troops on each other’s territory.

The South China Sea is a vital trade route connecting Northeast Asia with other regions of the world. China claims sovereignty over almost the entire South China Sea, a claim contested by Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

In 2016, the International Court of Justice in The Hague ruled that China’s claims in the South China Sea had no legal basis. Beijing, however, rejected the ruling and continued to engage in conflicts with countries like the Philippines in the region.

Since taking office, Philippine President Marcos has been strengthening relations with the United States and its Western allies.

Japan announced its largest military expansion since World War II last year, signaling a departure from its post-war pacifist stance. Japan does not assert territorial claims in the South China Sea but has ongoing maritime disputes with China in the East China Sea.

In the latest exercise on Friday, both Japan and the Philippines deployed two ships each. The exercise included communication drills, tactical maneuvers, and photography practice.

The United States has also been conducting exercises with the Philippine military. While the USA does not claim sovereignty over the South China Sea, it has a Mutual Defense Treaty with the Philippines.

The Philippine Armed Forces reported that on Wednesday, the Philippine and US Navies held a maritime joint military exercise in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea.

According to reports from Agence France-Presse, the two allies started conducting joint maritime activities in November last year to enhance the coordinated combat capabilities of the US and Philippine forces amid escalating tensions with China in the South China Sea.