Janine Falls and Breaks Face, Requires Wear of Dental Retainer for 3 Months

Entertainment personality Xiaoxian accidentally fell and injured herself while getting out of bed on the morning of the 24th. The incident resulted in injuries to her front teeth, lips, and other areas. After receiving medical treatment to stitch up her wounds, she still attended a charity event despite her injuries. Today, she took to social media to not only reassure everyone of her safety but also expressed multiple apologies, feeling deeply self-blameful for postponing work commitments.

According to Xiaoxian’s Instagram post (
click here
), she recounted the sequence of events leading to the accident. She mentioned that due to the bright sunlight, she got up to pull the curtains and as she turned to go back to bed, she accidentally tripped. “The impact on my chin caused my front teeth to bite into the inside of my mouth, with wounds both inside and outside my lips. The force of the impact was strong, making me feel dizzy and seeing stars.”

At the time of the accident, she reminded herself to “stay calm and not cry!” She first applied pressure with tissues to stop the bleeding, waited until she felt less dizzy, and then arranged for a car to take her to the hospital emergency room.

After the stitches were done, she rushed to attend a charity event at the Pingtung Genesis Foundation. She described the pain from the wound at that time as intense and felt dizzy, “One of my front teeth was pushed in during the impact, so I felt very uncomfortable and sorry! I was not in a good condition.”

After confirming that there was no brain injury, the hospital arranged for a plastic surgeon to stitch up her wounds. A temporary upper tooth retainer was also urgently made for her front teeth. For the next three months, she will have to wear the retainer to stabilize her teeth.

From the photos shared by Xiaoxian, it is visible that she has noticeable injuries both inside and outside her lips. She revealed that her lips are currently swollen, the wounds are a bit tight, “Speaking with the retainer is a bit difficult, and I have to eat lighter, softer foods. Also, I really need to rest more, as I was too tired recently.”

In conclusion, she apologized again for not taking care of herself properly and expressed guilt, saying: “I was so careless to have such a big fall without noticing, and now many things and work plans have to be postponed, I’m really sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” She also pledged to strive to recover her health.