“Insightful Commentary: ‘Boxer Rebellion’ Accelerates Transformation, CCP in Panic”

“Clean World and friends on YouTube, welcome to Far-sighted Quick Comment, I am Tang Jingyuan.

Today’s focus: Stabbed teacher tells different versions of ‘Zamei Case’, shocking details exposed! ‘Yihe Tuan’ accelerates transformation, authorities panic! EU tariff stick comes down, trade war imminent!

Today is a very eventful day. If yesterday the ‘Zamei Case’ in Jilin was still rapidly brewing, today it can be said to have exploded. This news has already made headlines in all mainstream media overseas, and even the local media in Iowa managed to interview one of the victims: David Zabner, brother of Adam Zabner, an Iowa State Council Representative who was stabbed. He told a story completely different from the local police’s account.

Furthermore, the European Union, which previously did not take action against China’s anti-dumping investigation on electric cars, finally shifted into storm mode today, officially announcing increased tariffs. A Sino-European trade war is on the horizon.

Yesterday, Iowa Public Radio directly interviewed David Zabner, a teacher at Cornell College and one of the victims of the ‘Zamei Case’, as he lay in the hospital recounting his personal experience. Zabner said this was his second visit to China. On Monday morning, he and three colleagues had planned to go to the Songhua River to watch the Dragon Boat Festival activities, but found too many people there and couldn’t even see the river. So, they decided to go for a walk in the nearby Beishan Park instead, as they had heard the park had Buddhist temples and beautiful walking trails, and from the mountaintop, they could see the city’s beautiful scenery.

They successfully climbed the mountain, but as they descended, they suddenly heard a scream from behind. Zabner then said: ‘I turned around and saw a man waving a knife at me charging over. I didn’t immediately react, didn’t realize what was happening. I thought one of my colleagues had been pushed by someone, and then he (referring to the knifeman) seemed to want to push me too.’

Zabner said he looked down at his shoulder, saw blood, and only then realized he had been stabbed. The wound on Zabner’s arm was about six inches from his shoulder. About 20 minutes after being stabbed, medical personnel arrived, and they were taken to a nearby hospital.

Zabner does not know the motive of the suspect. He said he was only informed by the local police that the suspect, Cui Dapeng, 55 years old, was unemployed and had bad luck, and wanted to respond in his own way after encountering one of Zabner’s colleagues, so ‘he decided to respond.’ In addition, the police told Zabner that the fifth injured victim in the attack was a Chinese tourist and had no connection to Zabner and his group.

What can we see from Zabner’s account?

1. The claim that the collision triggered the knife attack, has always been what the Chinese police have been saying. Zabner was in front, and the attack began from behind him, so he did not see the initial events. He only quoted the local police’s explanation about the cause, but that does not confirm anything.

2. Zabner said he only heard a scream behind him and then was stabbed before he could react. This shows he did not hear any arguing, indicating the attack happened instantaneously, without escalating from a normal situation. This indicates the suspect premeditated the attack, of which I am very certain.

Now, some online users suspect Cui Dapeng might have a mental illness, but that possibility is entirely absent. Firstly, no mentally ill person can choose targets for violence with such precision. Secondly, the coordination bulletin previously revealed Cui Dapeng’s attire, black clothes, black pants, and a black hat, were carefully chosen for easy escape after the murder, as if blood splattered on black clothes would not be noticeable.

The injured Chinese tourist was stabbed when trying to stop Cui Dapeng, which shows that if he had not intervened, nothing would have happened.

Zabner mentioned an important detail: He and his group were originally going to watch the Dragon Boat Festival at the riverbank, but due to the crowd, they changed plans last minute to go to Beishan Park. This raises a question: How did Cui Dapeng target Zabner’s group? From Cui Dapeng leaving home with a knife, it can be concluded he had premeditated the attack.”

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