In Madhya Pradesh, India, a man burdened with debts and the responsibility of providing for his family recently unearthed a diamond worth nearly $100,000, leading to an overnight change in his fortunes and a life-altering experience for his family.
According to reports from CNN, the 40-year-old laborer named Raju Gond typically earns just $4 a day. To support his family, he takes on various jobs, including farming, working in diamond mines, and operating a tractor for wealthier farmers.
Occasionally, Gond and his brother would pay a fee of $9.5 a day to dig in a 64-square-meter area of public land in Panna for treasures.
On July 24th, he dug up a diamond there. As he wiped away the dust from the gem, his heart raced, and with each swipe, the diamond gleamed brighter.
Gond told CNN, “It was sparkling, and I knew in that moment that it was a diamond.”
Gond was overjoyed and embraced his brother at the discovery. They immediately rode their bicycles back to their home 11 kilometers away to share the news with their family. They then took their mother to a local diamond appraisal agency to have the diamond evaluated.
Official appraiser Singh picked up the diamond and weighed it. He told CNN, “This is a 19.22-carat white diamond, valued at approximately $95,500.”
Singh mentioned that Panna is renowned for its abundant diamond reserves. “In 1961, a 54.55-carat diamond was found; in 2018, a 42-carat diamond was found; and now (Gond) has discovered this one.” He added that smaller diamonds had been found earlier this year.
As for how Gond plans to use this unexpected fortune, he said, “Our lives have changed forever.”
He mentioned that his first priority is to repay the $6,000 debt and then invest in educating all his children. He also wants to build a house, purchase some land, and perhaps get a tractor.
Gond expressed how challenging it has been to maintain the household finances. His family includes his parents, wife, seven children, as well as the families of his brother and sister.
Throughout his upbringing, his father and grandfather would share stories of people finding diamonds and how it changed their family’s fate. Now, he says, he has his own story to share.
On July 26th, Gond and his brother returned to the shallow mines in Panna to search for more diamonds. He told CNN, “We will find more diamonds!”
The Indian Express reported that in the past decades, the shallow mines in Panna have been an alternative livelihood for much of the local tribal population. Gond has been searching for elusive diamonds in the region for over a decade.