Hundreds Attend Memorial Service for New York Pine Manor House Director, Li Zongbao

On May 22nd, a memorial service was held at Trinity Church on Wall Street in Manhattan to remember the late Don Lee, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pine Bush Community Service Center. Don Lee passed away earlier in May due to illness. The event was attended by hundreds of family, friends, and community members, including Manhattan Borough President Lee Wen, Councilman Matt, the three sisters representing National Treasure Bank, representatives from the New York State Attorney General’s Office, the Mayor’s Office, and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.

Don Lee had served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pine Bush Community Service Center for over 20 years. The Pine Bush Community Service Center is a non-profit organization serving immigrant elderly people and their families in South Brooklyn. In addition to his work with the center, Don Lee was also actively involved in community affairs, advocating for the rights of the Asian community. His sudden passing while on vacation in South America on May 6th came as a shock to many who knew him.

Among the attendees at the memorial service were National Treasure Bank Director Sun Yifan, Pine Bush Community Service Center Executive Director Chen Weiyi, National Treasure Bank CEO Sun Yiwen, Co-founder of the South of Kenny Road Residents Alliance (NUBC) Lee Zhuoxun, Manhattan Borough President Lee Wen, Councilman Matt, and representatives from various offices such as the Community Affairs Unit of the Mayor’s Office, the New York State Attorney General’s Office, and prominent figures in the Asian community.

Notably present at the memorial were Sun Yilin, the youngest daughter of the National Treasure Bank family who serves as the Chief Strategy Officer at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, and Xie Xianyang, a community liaison officer at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, who came to pay their respects.

In addition to the Pine Bush Community Service Center’s official statement of condolences, U.S. Congressman Daniel Goldman, Councilman Matt, and City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams honored Don Lee’s contributions and service to the Asian community in both the U.S. Congress and the City Council. State Assemblywoman Grace Lee also expressed her appreciation for Don Lee’s sudden passing on her official social media accounts.

Councilman Matt wrote in a statement, “Don Lee was a legend in Chinatown and a dedicated public servant. I have seen him on the front lines supporting tenants who were displaced and fasting, protesting against massive prison complexes, and fighting for the community. Although we didn’t always agree on everything, we mutually respected and understood our shared commitment to the community. My deepest condolences go out to his wife and daughter.”

Don Lee’s relative and Chair of the Asian Community Protection and Improvement Alliance (ACPB), Susan Lee, expressed her deep appreciation for Don Lee on Facebook, writing, “You were not only my dear friend but also my spiritual guide and strongest cheerleader.”