Hunan Man Who Hung Anti-Communist Banner Appears, Previously Persecuted by Chinese Communist Party

After the Third Plenary Session of the Chinese Communist Party, a banner resembling the protest style of Peng Lifax appeared on a pedestrian bridge in Loudi, Hunan Province. Following this incident, many expressed concerns for the safety of the protesters. Recently, the individual involved released a video sharing his experience. He has participated in anti-Communist and anti-Xi actions and has suffered inhumane brainwashing persecution by the Chinese Communist Party. He firmly believes that once the CCP is overthrown, the Chinese people will live a life of equality and freedom.

In recent days, a banner protesting for freedom, democracy, and elections, and calling for the removal of the dictatorship of Xi Jinping, was hung on a pedestrian bridge in Xinhua County, Loudi City, Hunan Province.

On August 2nd, the individual, claiming to be Fang Yirong, from Loudi, Hunan, and a young participant of the “Blank Paper Revolution,” released a video. The “Blank Paper Revolution” is considered one of the reasons for the end of the CCP’s three-year epidemic control.

According to Fang Yirong, he was targeted by the National Security Bureau for expressing pro-democracy views on the instant messaging software Telegram, leading to inhumane brainwashing persecution by the security bureau.

“I’m posting this video now to prove that I’m no longer afraid of them,” he said. “Tyranny is terrifying, but it cannot crush the human spirit. No matter how Xi Jinping persecutes us, it cannot stop the democratic ideas from taking root and growing in the hearts of the Chinese people. The Yangtze River does not flow backward. I hope that the Chinese people can break free from the dictatorship and live better lives.”

In his concluding remarks, Fang Yirong said, “After this action (hanging the banner on the bridge), I may be confined to a mental hospital or die in prison. But I have no regrets.”

In another statement, Fang Yirong described his experience of persecution by the Chinese Communist Party. He mentioned participating in poster activities at the end of the “Blank Paper Revolution” out of dissatisfaction with the CCP’s dictatorship, expressing opposition to Xi Jinping’s autocratic rule online. Eventually, he was exposed within the CCP’s “Blank Paper Matrix” for planning protests.

Describing himself as a moderate leftist, Fang Yirong shattered his last bit of illusion towards the CCP’s one-party dictatorship after the Urumqi fire in Xinjiang on November 24, 2022. With a desire for a better life for the people, he posted three anti-CCP and anti-Xi posters. Since then, he has been devoted to researching China’s democratic transition and expressing dissent online to promote democracy and progress in Chinese society.

In mid-July 2023, while planning protests against Xi Jinping’s authoritarian rule, Fang Yirong was discovered by internet police and subjected to surveillance, soft detention, and torment by the Chinese authorities. Simultaneously, pressure was also exerted on his family.

During his soft detention, he attempted to compromise with the CCP but eventually realized that there was no room for compromise with the devil.

Lastly, Fang Yirong hopes that his case will be made public to expose the atrocities of the devil (CCP). He firmly believes that once the CCP is overthrown, the Chinese people will live under a truly democratic government and enjoy a life of equality.

In response to Fang Yirong’s brave act of resistance against the CCP, many netizens expressed admiration:

“To risk death for justice is difficult and commendable! Let us, who often compromise, feel ashamed. No matter the outcome, in the future of history, he will secure a place alongside Mr. Peng!”

“It is indeed very dangerous for him to stand up, but once everyone stands up, the Communist Party should be afraid.”

“Thumbs up for the brave young people, worrying about your safety while cursing the evil regime for its early demise.”

“Salute to the young people participating in the Blank Paper Movement, calling for more international attention to their pursuit of freedom, justice, and democracy. Their courage is worthy of respect.”

“The righteous courage of young people once again proves that human conscience truly comes from a higher dimension, a gift from God, which even the evil spirits of the CCP cannot touch!”

On October 13, 2022, Peng Lifax, also known as Peng Zaizhou, dubbed the “Four-Way Bridge Warrior,” unfurled banners on the Four-Way Bridge in Beijing with slogans demanding food instead of nucleic acid tests, reform instead of the Cultural Revolution, freedom instead of lockdowns, elections instead of leaders, dignity instead of lies, and being a citizen instead of a slave.

A month after the Four-Way Bridge incident, a fire in Urumqi sparked the “Blank Paper Revolution,” leading to nationwide protests against the CCP’s “zero-clearance” policy.

In fact, Peng Lifax is not the only “solitary hero” hanging anti-CCP banners. A few months later, in Jinan, Shandong, banners against the CCP appeared on the north wall of a building in Wanda Plaza, carried out by an individual named Chai Song.

Inspired by the Four-Way Bridge incident, Chai Song, on the eve of the epidemic’s unsealing at the end of 2022, successfully planned a protest event by projecting a banner on the north wall of the building in Wanda Plaza in Jinan, calling for “Down with the Communist Party, Down with Xi Jinping” in red text on a white background, involving projection, debugging, wiring, and remote control as part of a comprehensive plan.

Upon arriving in the United States, Chai Song, in an interview with a reporter from The Epoch Times, said, “The main essence of the Peng Lifax incident is a spirit – he knew what he was doing, he was aware of the consequences he faced. He was willing to sacrifice himself for the reform of China, even if it meant sacrificing his life. This spirit, of not fearing death, of fearing no authority, has had the most profound impact on me. It may not be just those few words, but because of his fearless spirit, his determination against tyranny!”

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