Hunan Finance Department Director Liu Wenjie Falls off Building while His Relatives Wait Outside

The case of the murder of Liu Wenjie, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Finance Department of Hunan Province, continues to attract attention. According to reports, there is a large amount of information regarding the case.

On September 19, the Changsha police reported that at 9:12 am on the 19th, Liu Wenjie, a 58-year-old member of the Party Committee and Director of the Finance Department of Hunan Province, was killed, and the suspects Jiang Mou (male, 35 years old) and Jiang Mouhui (male, 31 years old) died after falling from a building.

The latest report from Caixin Online stated that the two suspects mentioned in the report are named Jiang Yihui and Jiang Hui, both residents of Wukou Town, Pingjiang County, Yueyang City. Jiang Yihui is a deputy to the People’s Congress of Pingjiang, Yueyang City, a member of the Political Consultative Conference, and the legal representative of Tianhao Industrial Co., Ltd. in Pingjiang County. Jiang Hui is a shareholder of Hunan Jiangshi Wood Co., Ltd.

Sources familiar with the matter stated that on the morning of September 19, Liu Wenjie had work arrangements. After 8 o’clock, when staff members found that she had not arrived at the office, they called her phone but got no answer. They went to her home and knocked on the door but no one answered. Finally, they called Liu Wenjie’s relatives to come with the keys to open the door.

The same source mentioned that Liu Wenjie’s niece, who used to live with her, had a key to her home. When they arrived at the scene, they found that the door could not be opened as it was locked from the inside. During the last thirty to forty minutes of Liu Wenjie’s life, her closest relatives were at her doorstep, but no one anticipated that a criminal incident was taking place inside.

The report mentioned that Liu Wenjie’s husband works in another department of the provincial government, and they have a son who works in the media industry.

Earlier, insiders revealed that there was a financial dispute of 60 million yuan between Liu Wenjie and Jiang Yihui, Jiang Hui.

On the evening of September 20, the Changsha police reported again, stating that Jiang and Jiang Yihui took Liu Wenjie into a room with a knife, and she struggled with Jiang before falling from the balcony. The other suspect, Jiang Hui, tried to escape by tying the curtains together and sliding down from the balcony to the 12th floor but fell to his death.

The report stated that during on-site investigation, a large area of furniture and clothes in Liu Wenjie’s home was ransacked. Two black backpacks left by the suspects were found in the stairwell on the 13th floor, containing a hooked nylon rope (about 3 meters), rubber gloves, pliers, and other tools used in the crime.

According to the report, Jiang Yihui owed more than 12 million yuan in gambling debts in Macau.

However, the police report has sparked widespread skepticism. Many netizens expressed doubts, saying, “None of the parties have provided a plausible explanation for why the criminals had prepared a rope to escape by sliding from the 13th floor to the 12th floor, even if the criminals had lost their minds to do so.”

“After having knives and already having taken the elderly person hostage, how could the two strong men in their prime struggle with the elderly woman and end up being taken away by her? Normally, balconies have railings; how did they both fall off?”

“No matter what the truth is, why are conspiracy theories flying around after the announcement? It shows a lack of credibility.”

Following the incident, Jiang Hui’s wife posted on social media claiming her husband had been missing for several days after going out for business. She did not believe her husband kidnapped the director and then committed suicide by jumping off the building, instead suspecting foul play.

Previously reported by Caixin, several villagers and friends acquainted with Jiang Yihui and Jiang Hui stated, “We do not believe they could have done what was reported.” “Learning about their deaths is also very unfortunate and heartbreaking.”

Some netizens suspect that Jiang Hui and Jiang Yihui might have been “framed as the culprits,” with the real perpetrator being someone else, making these two individuals victims as well.

Information from the official website of the Hunan Provincial Finance Department shows that Liu Wenjie currently serves as the Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Finance Department, overseeing all work. She is in charge of the Budget Department and the Finance Supervision Bureau (Audit Office).

It is worth noting that among Liu Wenjie’s responsibilities was overseeing the Finance Supervision Bureau (Audit Office), leading some to speculate that she might have uncovered deeper corruption involving higher-ups in that area, which could have led to her tragic end.

The report mentioned that Hunan Provincial Finance Department staff stated that they used to leave the office doors open even when working overtime on weekends but started closing them after the incident, fearing potential harm if intruders were to enter.

Liu Wenjie’s funeral was held on September 21 in Changsha. Attendees mentioned that there were many people at the ceremony, including several high-ranking officials from the province.