Huang Peijia tearfully talks about father’s funeral and breakup, Qiu Haoqi responds: Respect her feelings

Golden Bell Award-winning actress Huang Peijia has been in a relationship with Qiu Haoqi for nearly 2 years. In March of this year, she experienced the loss of her father and shortly after received a breakup text from her boyfriend. Today, while promoting “How Come My Mother-in-law Is So Adorable 2,” she revealed in an interview that she was shocked by the breakup at that time. Qiu Haoqi had also responded through his agent earlier.

During a media interview today, Huang Peijia mentioned that in January she had traveled to Japan with Qiu Haoqi. Shortly after returning to Taiwan, her father was hospitalized due to a tumor and lung infection. Unfortunately, he contracted COVID-19 during his hospitalization, leading to various complications and eventually being moved to the ICU. She shared that her father’s illness to passing took almost 2 months, a process that was so rapid it was difficult for the family to accept.

When Huang Peijia appeared at a press conference today, she appeared noticeably thinner. Just after her father’s passing, she received a breakup text from her boyfriend, which left her deeply bewildered. She speculated that his experience of losing a parent might have played a role in the breakup decision.

Huang Peijia expressed that she had considered clarifying the reasons and issues behind the breakup, but her boyfriend only explained that their expectations and values for the future were different. She sighed, saying, “I’ve tried to communicate, but if the feelings can’t continue, there’s no need to force it.”

Huang Peijia, who already appeared fragile, revealed that she had lost another 2 kilograms recently, now weighing only 40 kilograms. Despite trying to stay strong, her appearance of emaciation evoked sympathy from onlookers.

According to the Liberty Times, in response to the emotional aspect, Qiu Haoqi, through his agent, expressed that they are still partners striving together. He said, “It is regretful that the emotional aspect cannot continue, I deeply empathize with her current pain and respect all her feelings.”

责任编辑: 刘宇涵