Hong Kong Brightens Home Scheme Assists Residents in Forced Relocation.

The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lady MacLehose Centre recently launched the “Revitalize Living 2.0” program, establishing the “Revitalize Living Volunteer Movers Support Platform” to provide relocation assistance to residents living in inadequate housing conditions. On the 22nd, the “Revitalize Living Hub” was opened, featuring experiential booths offering workshops on woodworking, home maintenance, and relocation skills for neighbors.

Mr. Ng Yuk Ming, the General Secretary of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lady MacLehose Centre, stated that there are many subdivided unit residents in the Kwai Tsing district. The program aims to connect with compassionate individuals in the district, seek different partners, and assist subdivided unit residents in their relocation, hoping to help them live in comfort and pursue their careers.

Currently, the “Revitalize Living Volunteer Movers Support Platform” has received support from a total of 20 moving companies and drivers. They have collectively provided relocation assistance to over 100 households living in inadequate housing. Ms. Ng, a subdivided unit resident, shared that she has used the services of volunteer drivers three times, moving from Shau Kei Wan to Kwai Chung and back without any charges, praising the drivers for their kindness.

Through providing shared spaces and equipment, the “Revitalize Living Hub” allows subdivided unit residents to learn maintenance and woodworking skills, reducing their living expenses and improving their living environment. The program has cultivated 10 subdivided unit residents into “Revitalize Living Craftsmen” and “Revitalize Living Key Opinion Leaders (KOL)”. They impart relocation, maintenance, and furniture-making skills to residents in the district and the wider community, organizing over 30 workshops to facilitate knowledge exchange and mutual support, achieving a helping-others-help-themselves effect.