High demand for a skill this year, hourly pay can reach up to 160 USD.

Looking for a job is both an art and a skill that requires certain expertise. Whether you are currently job hunting or planning to switch careers, it is important to pay attention to what skills are most in demand by employers and what kind of compensation they offer. Even if you do not possess certain skills, registering for related online courses can help solve this issue.

According to data from the freelance platform Upwork, based on the income of freelancers in the United States between January 1 and December 31, 2023, the most in-demand skills for 2024 have been revealed. The report found that “Data Science & Analytics” is one of the fastest-growing categories. Within this category, Data Analytics ranks among the top ten most sought-after skills. Data analysts on Upwork can charge up to $160 per hour.

Data analysts study raw data on how businesses perform, including sales, website traffic, and regulatory risks, to draw conclusions on how to improve.

According to a report by “CNBC Make It,” Monster’s career expert Vicki Salemi mentioned that this role plays a significant role in driving business operations for companies. She added that you will have quantifiable data sources to write comprehensive reports, analyze data, and identify development trends.

Data analysts usually require a bachelor’s degree in disciplines such as computer science or statistics. Those without a degree can also learn through online courses offered by universities or tech companies like Google, and obtain certification through platforms like Coursera.

Apart from data analysis, other highly sought-after skills in 2024 include:

– Machine Learning
– Data Visualization
– Data Extraction
– Data Engineering
– Data Processing
– Data Mining
– Experimentation & Testing
– Deep Learning
– Generative AI Modeling

In this era of rapid technological advancement, those who can harness new technologies will emerge as winners. Margaret Lilani, Vice President of Talent Delivery at Upwork, stated that while data analysis has been around for quite some time, the current skill requirements involve “leveraging AI for deeper data analytics to quickly uncover more profound insights.”

She mentioned that this technology “is evolving at a frenetic pace.” Therefore, those who understand how to utilize and apply this technology will be the winners in this game.