Guangzhou vendor arrested for assaulting urban management officer after yelling “I’d rather die”, sparking controversy

Recently, in Guangzhou, a small vendor carrying a box labeled “Honey Bread” on the back of an electric bike was intercepted by urban management officers on the street, leading to a confrontation. The vendor became distraught, shouting “I don’t want to live anymore,” and proceeded to strike the urban management officers with a stick, resulting in the vendor’s arrest and sparking controversy.

On October 15th, a video shared by netizens in Guangzhou showed a conflict between a local vendor and urban management personnel, with the vendor chasing and hitting the officers with a stick while exclaiming, “I don’t want to live anymore!”

In the video, a man in a white T-shirt riding an electric bike (with the words “Honey Bread” on the box behind him) was stopped by several uniformed urban management officers on the street. The officers asked the man in white to “cooperate,” but in the midst of the stalemate, the man in white became emotionally distraught, suddenly got off his bike, brandished a stick, and started hitting one of the urban management officers holding onto the electric bike.

On October 16th, the Tianhe Branch of the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau reported that they received a call around 8 a.m. on October 12th reporting a person wielding a stick and assaulting others on Xianlie East Road in the Tianhe district. The police subsequently apprehended a 38-year-old man named Wei suspected of intentionally causing harm.

According to the report, Wei, a mobile vendor illegally occupying the road for vending, did not cooperate with advice given, and he used an iron rod to injure Lu, a 44-year-old staff member of the Comprehensive Administrative Enforcement Team of the Shahe Street Office in the Tianhe district, and Zhuang, a 34-year-old staff member. According to forensic examination, Lu sustained minor injuries, while Zhuang’s injuries were classified as mild.

Wei was taken into custody by the police on charges of suspected intentional injury, and the case is still under investigation.

On the morning of October 16th, staff from the Comprehensive Administrative Enforcement Team of the Shahe Street Office in Baiyun District and the Urban Management Office told the Hua Shang Bao Daily News that they could not reveal specific details and advised reporters to contact the Tianhe District Propaganda Department to inquire further.

This incident has sparked widespread discussion.

Netizens commented, “With just a vehicle and a box, this vendor’s entire livelihood is at stake. Urban management can confiscate it at will, and it’s no wonder the vendor fought back. Who wouldn’t?””Can urban management tow the vehicle?””The vendor was just passing by when intercepted by urban management officers. By grabbing the box at the rear of the vendor’s vehicle and the front of the vehicle, the officers fueled the vendor’s anger.””If someone is told to pack up their stall and they comply, but then are prevented from leaving and their belongings are confiscated, is it not forcing them to resist? Shouldn’t they be allowed to retain their means of making a living?””Being ganged up on certainly would provoke anyone.”

“If not for desperate circumstances, who would endure the hardships of earning three meals a day under the sun and rain?””It’s not that I don’t want to live; it’s that you are not letting me live.””If all street vendors give up, will the urban management disappear?””Why do urban management always clash with small vendors?”

“I don’t want to live anymore” – a statement that breaks down barriers and stirs sadness. Some urban management officers use urban aesthetics as an excuse to constantly harass small vendors, making it difficult for them to survive. What is the purpose of your law enforcement? Why? Show some humanity. Those vendors have families to support and rely on today’s transactions for their livelihood, they strive for a living, not just money. Do you understand?””The pressure of survival and the oppression of power have driven them to lose control. Life at the bottom is not easy.”

“Urban management relies on sheer numbers to provoke trouble. Delivery drivers are fed up and fight back, at most it’s a mutual scuffle.””This is simply a legitimate defense of private property being harmed.””Urban management has become a calamity for the people.””While others struggle to survive at the bare minimum, urban management heartlessly strips them of their means. If they don’t hit you, it’s already showing you mercy.”