Guangxi and Fujian successively witness the spectacular sight of “Dragon Drinking Water”

In recent days, the phenomenon of “dragon sucking water” has appeared in Guangxi and Fujian, and many netizens have captured spectacular and awe-inspiring scenes from different angles.

According to a report from the media in Dongshan County, Zhangzhou, Fujian, on July 8th, around 10:36 in the morning, a citizen in Dongshan County filmed the phenomenon of “dragon sucking water.” The filmer described that in the distance, a large water column connected from the sea to the sky, continuously rotating, with thick dark clouds at the top, creating a spectacular and breathtaking scene.

As reported by Da Wan News, an employee of the Dongshan County Meteorological Observatory explained the phenomenon captured by netizens on July 8th to say, “We detected a cylindrical water spout as a tornado around 10:15 in the morning today (the 8th).” “The occurrence of tornadoes is relatively rare in the area.”

The staff member mentioned that the location of the water spout was near Xipu Bay in Qianlou Town, Dongshan County, and currently, there have been no reports of any disaster.

On the previous day (July 7th), a video was shared by citizens in Beihai, Guangxi, showing the phenomenon of “dragon sucking water” near Weizhou Island, with dense dark clouds contrasting clear skies.

The video shows a huge water column connecting the clouds and the sea, rotating and moving while causing waves several meters high on the sea surface.

Mr. Guo, the person who filmed the video, told Nine Parts News that he witnessed the entire process of the “dragon sucking water” from its appearance to its dissipation. At 13:50 on the 7th, the wind started spinning the sea water upwards, forming a water column that then dispersed. The entire process lasted for nearly 20 minutes.

The recent appearance of “dragon sucking water” has sparked attention on the internet.

A netizen, “Tu Tu MrsL,” said, “I remember one year seeing a dragon when there was dragon sucking water, is there a dragon this time?”

“Traveling connects the heart and soul,” said, “The magical and wonderful nature.”

“Xiao Huayunduo” said, “It’s so spectacular.”

“Confidence brings courage” said, “So mysterious.”

According to ancient Chinese legends, dragons are the gods responsible for bringing rain. There are also records in ancient texts of people seeing dragons fetching water from lakes.

Fourteen years ago, in Gaoao, Jiangsu, a “dragon sucking water” event also featured the appearance of a dragon.

On September 6, 2007, at 5 pm, a rare scene that hadn’t been seen for decades appeared in the center of Gaoyao Lake in the western part of Gaoyao City, Jiangsu. A water column as high as a kilometer, connecting the sky and the water, was formed due to a waterspout (a “dragon sucking water”). The water level of the lake suddenly dropped by several centimeters, lasting about 10 minutes before disappearing, followed by heavy rainfall, creating chaos between heaven and earth.

At that time, many Chinese media outlets broadcasted this video, with the first being Dongfang Satellite TV. Observant netizens noticed what appeared to be a dragon-shaped object swiftly swimming through the clouds in the first few seconds of the video. This video immediately caused a sensation online and was widely circulated.