“Government officials playing ‘sticking eggs’ – Is Zhongnanhai also afraid?”

Hello everyone, welcome to “News Perspectives”. Today’s co-hosts are Tang Hao, Qin Peng, and others. Our diverse opinions and multiple perspectives will take you into the rich world of news. Feel free to subscribe and like our independent channel.

Today’s focus: Tsinghua professor hits at the heart of the CCP! Officials play “Guandan”, is Zhongnanhai worried? CCP learns a sinister trick from Russia; Tsinghua professor criticizes “net numbers”, Weibo is silenced; former CCP State Security Officer: spies everywhere watching people; netizen: “New cultural masters” point fingers at this group.

Recently, the CCP has been talking about society heading towards “Chinese-style modernization”; as a result, “net numbers and net certificates” have emerged.

The CCP not only sets up internet barriers but also wants to assign a unique number to each person, creating the illusion of “collectivization” to make everyone its easily controlled “independent atom,” turning people against each other and causing chaos.

In a society already centralized, the pressure continues to rise, leaving many filled with fear and confusion. How did we reach this point? Shouldn’t our lives be becoming more modernized? Why does something feel off? Will browsing the internet soon become as difficult as entering Zhongnanhai?

At least in the eyes of Tsinghua professor Huang Yusheng, “modernized countries have different paths, features, and models, but all truly modernized countries share a fundamental attribute, which is to make citizens more free, liberated, affluent, and civilized.” Any strict monitoring of citizens is “contrary to the direction and goals of building a modernized country.”

So, has the CCP truly led society into a time of historical rubbish? Who knows, but Huang Yusheng’s Weibo account has been banned anyway.


Q1. Qin Yue, which nerve did Huang Yusheng’s words hit on the CCP?

A1: Huang Yusheng touched the CCP to its core. Since 2014, the CCP leadership has constantly advocated the “four self-confidences: confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture.” Huang Yusheng stated that a truly modernized country is not a country where people are all the same, under strict surveillance, but a country where all citizens enjoy full freedom, especially freedom of speech and freedom from the harassment, monitoring, intimidation, and detention by public authorities.

Countries that try to fully monitor their citizens, that strive to keep their citizens in a transparent state, are directly showing that they are not the people’s country. Truly people’s countries do not need to monitor their citizens’ movements; the state believes in its citizens, and citizens identify, believe in, and uphold their own country.

This is clearly a critique of the CCP’s governance, highlighting that it is not a strong or self-confident country.

The CCP has the “Sky Eye Program” internally, external internet censorship, and the mere mention of tea-drinking phone calls for comments can bring trouble. How many spies has the CCP planted in the military, the civilian sector, and among criminal organizations? Each system within the CCP has its own surveillance system, all operating independently. Don’t even get started on overseas CCP intelligence agencies, spending so much money to monitor the people, maintain stability.

Huang Yusheng’s statement that a modernized country should make its citizens more free, liberated, affluent, and civilized is in direct opposition to the CCP’s governing tactics, waging war against oppression.

To be continued…