Get to Know International Media “The Epoch Times” from Different Perspectives

Renowned lawyer Chen Yishen deeply understands the significant impact of accurate information on formulating litigation strategies. He is also an expert in political commentary, emphasizing the importance of truthful information to avoid misleading the public with erroneous comments.

Recognizing the importance of accurate information, Chen started reading “Epoch Times,” providing readers with a different perspective through professional and rational observation.

From an ordinary citizen’s standpoint, exposure to true information allows for a more informed opinion on societal issues, reducing susceptibility to deceitful misinformation.

The establishment of a safeguard of true information within oneself aids in discerning lies. On a personal level, individuals benefit from accessing correct information that informs public opinions, serving as the foundation for making accurate judgments in a democratic society.

Particularly in Taiwan, a democratic and free society, the dissemination of true information shapes more accurate trends of public opinion, influencing the country’s future trajectory significantly. Misguided public opinion may unknowingly lead the nation to destruction, underscoring the pivotal role of truthful information.

Chen noted the in-depth reporting in Epoch Times, conducted through thorough journalist interviews and consultation with numerous experts. He appreciates the serious, professional, and responsible attitude shown in the publication, contrasting it with media that simply regurgitate content without proper investigation.

Reporting on international affairs provides valuable insights into major global developments, mainstream countries’ statements on various issues, and actions that help Chen anticipate future directions accurately.

Promoting truth is imperative to Chen, who believes in advocating for greater access to real information to expand one’s understanding of global events beyond just Taiwan, including neighboring countries like China, the US, Japan, and global affairs at large.

Chen highlighted the series debunking the theory of evolution in Epoch Times. This series challenged the conventional explanation of human origins through evolution from apes, sparking introspection and critical thinking, potentially challenging established dogmas and fostering healthier mental processes.

Epoch Times’ serialization on topics such as “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” and “The Devil Rules Our World” presents intense revelations on communism’s anti-human nature and deep-seated malevolent schemes. These articles provide readers with profound impressions, offering insights into realities often overlooked by mainstream media.

Epoch Times’ coverage of China stands out for its objectivity, delivering information not dictated by the Chinese Communist Party’s official narrative. This enables Taiwanese readers to access truths omitted by domestic media and avoids potential manipulation by the Chinese government.

Introduced to Epoch Times by colleagues, Chen initially had reservations but, upon reading, found the content insightful and genuine, expanding his worldview and challenging preconceived biases regarding China.

Political awareness plays a vital role in everyday life, shaping policies that directly impact individuals. Chen praises Epoch Times’ focus on national and policy-level issues, diverging from the common emphasis on partisan politics and elections in other Taiwanese media.

Regularly accessing Epoch Times during lunch breaks, Chen appreciates the newspaper’s comprehensive coverage of important news, offering a structured overview that efficiently allocates his reading time.

In a society consumed by material pursuits and enduring immense pressure, inner emptiness often remains unacknowledged. Chen finds Epoch Times not only delivers domestic and international news but also includes lifestyle tips, historical insights, and scientific knowledge that enrich his spiritual well-being, fostering confidence and happiness.

Cultivating new habits may seem daunting, but with dedication, individuals can acquire enriching practices that enhance their well-being and broaden their perspectives.

In a thoughtful interview, Chen offered constructive feedback on Epoch Times’ local news coverage, suggesting more relatable content to resonate with readers, emphasizing the pivotal role of true information in providing a comprehensive and balanced view on Taiwan and China-related news.

Epoch Times’ commitment to delivering truthful information remains its primary endeavor, aiming to become the indisputable and indispensable newspaper for every household. As an independent media outlet without corporate or political affiliations, Epoch Times relies on reader subscriptions to maintain its operational integrity and uphold its mission to disseminate accurate information.

The enduring dedication of readers like Chen, starting from initial skepticism to eventual endorsement, underscores the importance of Epoch Times’ unwavering commitment to delivering authentic information.

As more individuals subscribe and engage in genuine reading, they bolster the resolve of Epoch Times’ staff, driving the publication to produce more impactful and influential news content for its readers.