German Warship Passes Through Taiwan Strait, Three Parties Issue Challenges Across the Air

Hello everyone, welcome to the “Global News Scan”. I am Jinran. First of all, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Please subscribe to our channel, support us, like, comment, and share.

Today’s highlights: Russian military counterattack, Ukraine’s new initiatives; German warships pass through the Taiwan Strait, exchanging challenges from three parties; Words that can cool down patriotism for Chinese people; China’s pension shrinking, “delayed retirement” is approaching.

Imagine this, two warships passing through international waters immediately sparked a dispute among three parties. Warships from both sides of the strait were deployed, with people expressing anger and pointing fingers, then each party started talking nonsense, eventually backing off. Sometimes, disputes between countries are no different from children fighting.

On September 13th, a German Navy frigate, the Baden-Württemberg, and a replenishment ship, the Frankfurt, appeared in the Taiwan Strait as part of the Indo-Pacific Task Force, sailing from north to south. The German ships considered it as sailing in international waters, but little did they know, the Taiwan Strait is like a nerve to some, passing through it is like acupuncture; causing an uproar that both China and Taiwan sent out warships. China dispatched two escort ships and multiple militia fishing boats while Taiwan deployed its navy and air force. Although it appeared as if they were “welcoming” the German warships, it was evident that both sides were issuing challenges.

For the Germans, this was the first time in twenty years they crossed the Taiwan Strait. So why now after not passing through for over two decades? According to Germany, the two warships set out on May 7th to participate in the biennial Rim of the Pacific military exercise in the Indo-Pacific region. The ships were on their way from Korea to the Philippines, taking the “shortest route.”

It is worth noting that the Taiwan Strait, the narrowest point between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland, is 70 nautical miles wide. The internationally recognized territorial waters are only 12 nautical miles. Germans thought they were simply crossing through international waters, but to no avail. Despite passing Marxist ideology to the Chinese Communist Party, they clearly do not understand the unique perspective of Chinese-style Marxism. The spokesman for the Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army guided the Germans, stating their actions increased security risks and sent wrong signals, accusing them of “publicity stunt.” The German Defense Minister responded succinctly.

In my opinion, while it is true the German ships were passing through international waters, it also served as a statement of unity with the US and other Western allies. However, debating international laws with a rogue regime like the CCP is somewhat comical. I believe the next time Germans face such threats from the CCP, they should just say, “We consulted your ancestor, Marx, and he said to shut up, or fulfill your constant plea of ‘seeing Marx after death,’ let’s go meet Marx now.”

Under the full-scale brainwashing by the CCP, many Chinese people unconsciously bind themselves to the regime. For example, when a German warship passes through the Taiwan Strait, emotions flare up instantly, with notions of “national righteousness” and “sovereignty” reigniting, even for those struggling to find employment, housing, or food. Regardless of nationality, people around the world lead practical lives. Recently, a passage titled “How Ignorant Is The Communist Party of China” resonated with many Chinese who tend to get heated up quickly.

The passage describes the CCP as: Anything detrimental to the people is aligned internationally; anything beneficial deviates uniquely. Any country that has helped China is considered an enemy; any country that has harmed China becomes a friend. Any flawed ideology proven to fail historically or internationally is adopted as irrefutable truth; effective strategies proven by developed nations are staunchly resisted. Anyone unwilling to submit to dictatorship is vilified as an enemy; and any country rejecting CCP bullying accusations is slandered as a foreign force.

In conclusion, the CCP is an anti-human, anti-civilization, anti-science, anti-progressive cult, the most shameless, evil, and brutal regime humanity has ever seen.

Many are familiar with the former Chinese Premier, Li Keqiang’s statement in 2020: “The average monthly income for 600 million Chinese is around 1,000 yuan.” Last year, Beijing Normal University revealed a study three years after Li’s statement, indicating that nearly 964 million Chinese earn less than 2,000 yuan monthly, with 600 million earning less than 1,090 yuan. This is the reality under CCP leadership, a nation rhetorically rising each year. Another unsettling fact is that China’s per capita GDP is only one-third of Japan’s in 1994, a country often belittled by Chinese as having limited land, scarce resources, and a large population.

If these figures fail to prompt self-reflection among the Chinese populace, consider the benchmark for gauging a country’s suitability for human habitation and humaneness: pension.

Everyone ages and when life weakens and necessitates state assistance, the real test of a nation’s respect for the elderly comes into play. In 2024, Western media published the list of the world’s top ten countries with the highest average pension per capita. The ranking is as follows: 1. Norway, 2. Sweden, 3. Denmark, 4. Netherlands, 5. Finland, 6. Switzerland, 7. Australia, 8. Canada, 9. Germany, 10. Luxembourg; Norway tops the list with an average pension level equivalent to pre-retirement income at 100%. Meanwhile, Luxembourg at the tenth spot stands at around 70% of pre-retirement income.

Another indicator is the total assets of national pension funds. The top four countries are Japan, Norway, South Korea, and the United States. Interestingly, despite claiming to have a population of 1.4 billion, China’s national pension fund’s total amount is even less than that of Singapore, with only 6 million people.

Most critically, China’s dismal national pension fund total isn’t evenly distributed among its citizens, where 90% is directly used by the CCP to enrich so-called “retired senior cadres” who have notoriously exploited the population.

As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, most Chinese are hoping to receive their pensions to spend their twilight years comfortably. However, what they might receive may go beyond TV stations replaying old films glorifying anti-Japanese, anti-American, and anti-German sentiments, but also a notice from the CCP introducing “delayed retirement.”

Recently, Russia and Ukraine once again exchanged approximately 103 prisoners, with 49 Ukrainian prisoners returning to Kyiv.

How a country treats prisoners of war and its captured soldiers reflects its level of civilization. On September 13, Russia and Ukraine exchanged prisoners for the second time following Russia’s infiltration into Ukrainian territory. The 49 Ukrainian prisoners received a heroic welcome, including the 23 soldiers involved in the famous Avdiivka Coke Plant defense.

Zelensky said, “Our people are returning once again, we have been waiting and working for this. 49 Ukrainian men and women are returning home.” According to Agence France-Presse, Russian prisoners sent back were captured in the Kurzsk region of Russia. Zelensky mentioned that one of the goals of infiltrating Russian territory was to capture more enemies for bargaining.

Photos of captured Russian soldiers in Ukrainian prisons showed decent living conditions with access to television, books, cigarettes, and individual shower facilities.

Speaking of Kurzsk in Russia, one recalls Putin’s demand to recapture the area before October. Starting from September 11, tens of thousands of Russian troops returned from the Ukrainian frontlines, initiating a full-scale counterattack.

In the first two days, Russian forces launched attacks from various directions with armored assault teams attacking continuously. According to Russian sources, at least ten strongholds were recaptured in Kurzsk. Two locations in Kurzsk saw such fierce battles that Russian forces resorted to human wave tactics.

Zelensky acknowledged on September 12 that Russian forces had initiated a counterattack in Kurzsk but emphasized that Ukrainian troops would adhere to the established strategic plan. Judging from Zelensky’s responses, it appears the Ukrainian military had prepared for a full-scale Russian counteroffensive.

Initially, I thought there would be a significant change in the situation on the Kurzsk battlefield, but an observation on Russian social media in the past two days contradicted official Russian claims. Previously, there was widespread excitement and support on social media, but suddenly it went quiet. This led to speculations that the Russian counterattack in Kurzsk was not going smoothly, possibly facing unexpected issues.

As a result, Ukrainian forces ignored the Russian counteroffensive and instead launched a new attack from another border of Ukraine and Kurzsk, seemingly flank the retreating Russian forces.

Well, that’s it for this edition of “Global News Scan”. We need your support, so please subscribe to our channel, support us, like, comment, and share. If you’re keen to directly support us financially, we would be immensely grateful. Once again, I wish all of you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and harmonious family gatherings. See you next week.

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