“Fuzhou ‘Little Girl Breaks Marble Coffee Table with One Kick’ Goes Viral”

On April 17th, the hot search list was dominated by the news of a little girl accidentally breaking a marble coffee table in her home, which continued to capture the attention of netizens. The incident left both the little girl and her parents shocked. What used to be a marble coffee table worth over 2000 yuan now lay shattered in pieces.

A video clip captured on April 15th in a household in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, showed a little girl happily bouncing between the sofa and the marble coffee table in a narrow gap. However, when she stepped on the marble coffee table, it instantly broke in the middle.

At the moment of the accident, the little girl was frozen in fear, sitting on the sofa unable to move. Her parents, upon hearing the unusual sound, came out to investigate, also stunned and at a loss for what to do in the face of the situation.

According to Mr. Xu, the little girl’s brother, who later shared the video clip, his main intention was to remind other children to play safely. After all, this accident not only frightened his little sister but also brought significant financial loss to their family. The marble coffee table, valued at over 2000 yuan, now reduced to a pile of shattered pieces.

Many netizens commented on the incident, with some expressing relief that the little girl was unharmed.

However, some netizens raised doubts about the material of the “marble coffee table” involved, speculating that it might be made of synthetic stone but sold under the guise of real marble.

“JUNKysaint”: This looks like synthetic stone, similar to resin.

“昔日投影”: Selling resin as marble at a low price?

“迷離的小米粥”: It’s time to have a talk with the seller. There must be something wrong with this marble; it’s highly likely to be synthetic.

Responsibility Editor: Fang Xiao