Funny Scene: Little Bear Climbs onto Resident’s Hammock for a Leisurely Rest

Recently, two young black bears trespassed into the yard of a residence in Waitsfield, Vermont, USA, with one of the bears even climbing onto a hammock to relax, much to the amusement of the homeowners who witnessed the comical scene.

Noah and Kristen Dweck, a couple living in the area, stated that while they had seen black bears near their home before, it was the first time one had ventured into their backyard.

On the day of the incident, Noah used his iPhone to capture a video of the unexpected visitors. The footage showed one bear comfortably seated on the swinging hammock, appearing completely at ease, while the other bear stood by observing.

Noah told the Associated Press, “The little bear was so cute. The scene really looked hilarious.”

He recalled sitting at a table indoors with the screen door open when he suddenly heard the hammock swaying, despite there being no wind. “So I immediately thought of a bear,” he said.

Rushing upstairs to peer out the window, he saw one bear curiously watching its companion enjoying the hammock swing. Seizing the moment, he quickly recorded some videos before shooing the two bears away.

“We live in an area where black bears are quite active. These bears are used to close contact with humans, so I guess they might have seen or played on someone else’s hammock before. Frankly, it was impressive how it managed to balance on the hammock without slipping off, as if it knew how to handle this new fun activity. It was really amusing,” Noah shared.

Vermont, bordering Canada, is home to a large population of black bears, and in recent years, there has been an increase in bear sightings and incidents related to bears within the state.

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