Founder of former Guangdong Zhongshan Organ Transplant Center, Yu Yuanlong, under investigation.

In April of this year, according to information from the Zhongshan Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Yu Yuanlong, former Party Secretary and Chairman of the Zhongshan Association for Science and Technology in Guangdong, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently under disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Zhongshan Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Yu Yuanlong has been listed by “Investigate International” as a medical personnel in Guangdong Province suspected of participating in the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.

Public information shows that Yu Yuanlong graduated from Tongji Medical University with a bachelor’s degree and completed his master’s degree at Hubei University of Medicine in 1992. He has served as the Director of the Zhongshan People’s Hospital in Guangdong Province and was awarded the “May 1st Labor Medal” of Guangdong Province. In 2011, he received the national “May 1st Labor Medal” and the 7th “Chinese Physician Award,” and also enjoys a special government subsidy from the State Council. At the end of 2012, he was transferred to the Zhongshan Association for Science and Technology as Vice Chairman.

In 2001, Yu Yuanlong founded the Zhongshan Organ Transplant Center at the Zhongshan People’s Hospital and served as the director. The hospital is the only prefectural-level hospital in the country approved to simultaneously carry out heart, liver, kidney, pancreas, and small intestine transplants. Yu Yuanlong began organ transplant research in 2000 and was one of the first scholars in the country to conduct liver transplant research. He performed nearly 100 liver transplants and made the organ transplant center a distinctive specialty in Guangdong Province and a key specialty in Zhongshan City.

Yu Yuanlong later served as the Director, Chief Medical Officer, and Chief of Hepatobiliary Surgery at the Zhongshan Aidacang Rehabilitation Hospital. He specializes in abdominal surgery, hepatobiliary surgery, and liver transplants.

He undertook national, provincial, and municipal-level projects, receiving over 10 million yuan in various funds.

As of 2014, “Investigate International” has gathered information on 68 hospitals in 16 cities in Guangdong Province suspected of conducting organ transplants from living donors. In 2015, a list of 832 medical personnel suspected of harvesting organs from Falun Gong practitioners was released, with Yu Yuanlong included. Between May 2001 and October 2005, he performed 32 liver transplants.

In 2006, Epoch Times overseas first exposed the criminal practice of the CCP forcibly harvesting organs from Falun Gong practitioners, sparking international attention to the significant changes in China’s organ transplant industry. The rapid development of organ transplants at the end of the 20th century saw a peak in the early 21st century. People were surprised to find that this significant increase coincided with the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong beginning in July 1999, including mass arrests, detention of practitioners, and the disappearance of many.

Based in London, the “Independent People’s Tribunal” made a final ruling on June 17, 2019, after two hearings. The abundant and irrefutable evidence led to the verdict that “there is no doubt that China (the CCP) forcefully harvests organs from prisoners of conscience, spanning a long period and involving numerous victims.” “Falun Gong practitioners are the primary source of organ donors.”

The investigation conducted for over a decade by renowned human rights lawyers David Matas and David Kilgour from Canada revealed that from 2000 to 2016, the CCP may have harvested organs from as many as 1.5 million people, with Falun Gong practitioners being a major source.

As the Director of the Zhongshan People’s Hospital’s Organ Transplant Center, Yu Yuanlong established the center in 2001 and was one of the earliest researchers in liver transplants, significantly contributing to the hospital’s achievements in organ transplants nationwide.

According to a report by Medical World in mainland China on October 22, 2020, the Zhongshan People’s Hospital emerged as a rising force in organ transplants. As one of 50 hospitals nationwide qualified for heart transplants, the hospital also conducts liver and kidney transplants. Among prefectural-level hospitals nationwide, the hospital holds the most transplant qualifications.

At the time, Liang Yi, the Director of the Organ Transplant Center at Zhongshan People’s Hospital, stated that most of the organ donors for organ transplants in the hospital came from Zhongshan City. He emphasized that for a hospital to excel in organ transplantation, it must actively acquire donors. If donors cannot be found in Zhongshan City, they seek donors through the national donation network.

As reported by Taiwan’s China Times in 2014, Deng Decheng, then Deputy Director of the Organ Transplant Center at Zhongshan People’s Hospital, mentioned that the hospital began seeking organ donations from citizens who passed away in 2009. In September 2014, Guangdong Province established six “Organ Procurement Organizations” (OPOs), with Zhongshan People’s Hospital being one of them. Guangdong Province ranked first in organ donations nationwide, with Zhongshan City in the top 20.

The high number of organ acquisitions by the transplant center raises questions about the credibility of the sources claimed by the two Directors of the Zhongshan Organ Transplant Center. Are the organs truly sourced from donations or OPOs as asserted?

In January 25, 2010, the Chinese Ministry of Health officially commissioned the Red Cross Society of China to carry out human organ donation across the country. The CCP announced the cessation of using organs from executed prisoners from January 1, 2015, claiming that “voluntary donations by Chinese citizens are the only legitimate source of organ donors for transplants.”

Wang Zhiyuan, Chairman of “Investigate International,” introduced to Epoch Times in early April this year that the organization had conducted investigations into the Red Cross Societies in several major cities, including Beijing, by the end of 2015. Interestingly, despite having no records of donations at the time, there were 23 organ transplant hospitals in Beijing. Peking University People’s Hospital self-reported conducting over 4,000 liver and kidney transplants in a year.

It became clear that the CCP’s narrative of voluntary donations could no longer cover up the truth, leading to the utilization of OPOs to obscure the sources of organs. During telephone investigations by “Investigate International,” doctors would indicate donations were from voluntary sources and obtained from OPOs when pressed for details. This deception closely paralleled the practices of the “China Red Cross Organ Donation Office.”

Thus, the claims by the Director of the Zhongshan Organ Transplant Center regarding organ sources appear dubious.

The Zhongshan People’s Hospital website indicates that as of June 2023, the Organ Transplant Center had completed over 2,000 organ and tissue transplants. Among these, they performed over 120 heart transplants, 300 liver transplants, over 1,000 kidney transplants, and over 300 corneal transplants. Since the establishment of the Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) in 2013, they completed 395 organ donations, acquiring 1,770 organs, and treated 1,780 patients.

Following the exposure of the CCP’s live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in 2006, the data on organ transplants on Chinese medical institution websites drastically decreased. The claimed numbers for organ transplants by Zhongshan People’s Hospital became less plausible.

From the establishment of the Zhongshan Organ Transplant Center in 2001 to June 2023, the center conducted just over 300 liver transplants in 21 years. However, according to “Investigate International,” Yu Yuanlong alone performed 35 liver transplants between 2001 and 2005. Therefore, it seems questionable that the center, among the top 20 in organ donations in the country, performed a relatively low number of transplants over more than two decades.

An article titled “Beijing Patient’s Heart-Kidney Transplant in Zhongshan” in the Guangzhou Daily on October 16, 2006, confirmed the success of the Guangdong province’s first heart-kidney combined transplant surgery and the fourth in the country, carried out by Zhongshan People’s Hospital. The hospital’s transplant capabilities were evident nearly 19 years ago, where suitable hearts and kidneys were promptly found, reflecting a significant contribution by Yu Yuanlong.

According to an investigative report by “Investigate International,” there is a significant number of doctors and experts in mainland China engaged in live organ harvesting, resulting in cases of misfortune. Several examples are highlighted below:

Li Zhuori, former Director of the Hainan Provincial People’s Hospital and Deputy Party Secretary, faced investigation for serious violations of discipline and law in February 2029. With a medical career spanning 30 years, he performed over 4,000 hepatobiliary pancreatic surgeries, including liver and kidney transplants. Li Zhuori was issued a search notice by Investigate International for his involvement in live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners at the Hainan Provincial People’s Hospital.

Zhou Jin, who served as the Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University for nearly 17 years, was investigated for corruption in October 2021. The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, a “Grade A tertiary” hospital, held a leading position in large organ transplants like liver, pancreas, and intestine in the country.

Investigate International investigated the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University and implicated 28 medical personnel for their involvement in live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. Zhou Jin, who served as the hospital’s long-term director, could not escape accountability.

Additionally, many professors and experts implicated in live organ harvesting were reported to have passed away during the epidemic:

Liu Yongfeng, Vice President of the First Hospital Affiliated with China Medical University, renowned in the field of surgery and organ transplantation, passed away on June 5, 2023. Liu Yongfeng, a model party member, was credited for pioneering a new era of organ donation in China, leading to significant advancements in the country’s organ transplant industry. Investigate International reported that Liu Yongfeng performed over 700 kidney transplants and more than 190 liver transplants, but was listed as a person responsible for the harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners’ organs, with China Medical University also implicated.

Zhang Yangde, a professor of surgery and biomedical engineering at Central South University, a doctorate supervisor, and a CCP member, passed away on January 20, 2023. Zhang, a chief physician at the Organ Transplant Center of Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, specializing in kidney transplants, was implicated in the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.

Li Jieshou, former Vice President of the Nanjing General Hospital of the Nanjing Military Region, an academician of the Engineering Academy, a professor at Nanjing University, an outstanding CCP member, passed away in Beijing on January 30, 2023. Li Jieshou was a pioneer in the field of “Asian autologous heterotopic small intestine transplantation” and performed the first human autologous liver and liver-intestine combined transplantation surgery in Asia in April 2003. Nanjing General Hospital of the Nanjing Military Region, where he served, was investigated for participating in live organ harvesting. Li Jieshou was listed as someone involved in the live extraction of organs from Falun Gong practitioners.

In light of these findings, Qin Peng, a commentator on overseas Chinese affairs, expressed in early April, “Actions have consequences, whether good or bad. Therefore, do not neglect small acts of kindness or commit minor wrongdoings, accumulate virtue and avoid calamity.” He added that people should act in accordance with their conscience and avoid blindly following the CCP in wrongdoing, as a day will come when humanity holds the CCP’s evil cult accountable, and those who partook will face retribution.

Former Beijing lawyer Lai Jianping, now living in Canada, highlighted that ultimately, good deeds lead to positive outcomes, while wrongdoings bring repercussions. He advised officials to abandon the CCP’s path of destruction to safeguard their lives and fortunes, as the collapse of the regime is inevitable.

Regarding CCP members who succumbed to the epidemic, Falun Gong founder Mr. Li Hongzhi explicitly stated in a 2020 article in the “Rational View,” that the current “CCP Virus” (COVID-19) is targeted and aims to eradicate members associated with the evil party. He warned that those aligned with the CCP will face elimination as divine retribution unfolds.

Li Hongzhi further emphasized, “Stay away from the evil CCP, do not stand with it, because it is a red devil disguising as a thug that commits all evils. The divine is now eliminating those who upheld its evils. Those who align with it will be eliminated. Just wait and see.”

It is clear that the repercussions of participating in such heinous crimes, including live organ harvesting, extend beyond this lifetime, with individuals being held accountable for their actions in the future.