Former US National Security Advisor Becomes Latest Top Official Involved in UFO Topic

Former White House National Security Advisor and retired Army Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster has become the latest official to make startling statements about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). As discussions about UFOs intensify within the United States, McMaster’s comments have attracted significant attention.

During an appearance on the renowned show “Real Time with Bill Maher” last Friday, McMaster was asked by host Bill Maher whether there is extraterrestrial life on Earth. McMaster responded, “There are things that cannot be explained. I do not know the exact reasons for these unexplainable phenomena, but what I want to say is that some incidents have been witnessed by multiple people, and no existing science can explain them.”

Expert Luis Elizondo, who previously investigated unidentified flying objects at the U.S. Department of Defense, revealed in his recently published book “Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs” last month that aliens have plans to invade Earth, with their behavior resembling military preparations by human forces.

UFOs have officially been renamed as “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” (UAP).

The bipartisan introduction of the UAP Disclosure Act, along with public statements made by McMaster and others, signals a significant shift in the official stance towards UFO phenomena.

According to a report from “The Hill” on Friday, the U.S. Senate is preparing to discuss the bipartisan “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act,” which is considered one of the most unusual legislative efforts in congressional history.

Proposed by Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer and Republican Senator Mike Rounds, the bill asserts that the government had a secret program over the past few decades dedicated to recovering and studying UAPs from “unknown” and “non-human” sources. The U.S. government aims to decrypt and understand the technology or origins of extraterrestrial beings through reverse engineering.

The bill officially defines “non-human intelligence” as intelligence or technology that is obviously not of human origin, a term that appears over 20 times throughout the 64-page document.

What is particularly shocking is that the disclosure act also calls for the federal government to take possession of “any and all” retrieved UAPs, including the biological evidence of “non-human intelligence” transferred to private defense contractors.

For over six decades, the U.S. government has been “debunking,” mocking, and denying UAP events, often providing blatantly absurd and unscientific explanations. However, in recent years, an increasing number of high-level U.S. officials have publicly acknowledged the existence of extraterrestrial life.

In 2020, former CIA Director John Brennan stated in a podcast hosted by George Mason University economics professor Tyler Cowen that, “For us to think we are the only form of life in the entire universe is arrogant and ignorant.”

Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Avril Haines, while attending the “Our Future in Space” lecture at the Washington National Cathedral in October 2021, suggested that records of the military searching for UFOs over the years may serve as evidence of alien presence.

Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe disclosed in an interview in 2021 that UAPs had been captured by satellite imagery, stating that their behavior is inexplicable, their maneuvers are difficult to replicate, and we currently lack the technology and capability to defend against them.

In September 2023, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson expressed his personal view that life exists beyond Earth during a press conference where he announced the appointment of a new head of UAP research.

According to data from the National UFO Reporting Center, there have been 133,717 UFO sighting reports across all 50 states in the U.S. since 1995.

On September 3rd, former President Trump stated during an interview with popular podcast host Lex Fridman that if elected, he would push for the Pentagon to release images related to suspected UFO sightings.