Former U.S. National Security Adviser Proposes Plan to Divide New “Evil” Axis

Former National Security Advisor to Trump, Robert O’Brien, has proposed a plan to divide the so-called “axis of evil” amid deepening relations with the Chinese Communist Party, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.

In a recent article in Foreign Affairs magazine, O’Brien detailed his recommendations for Trump’s second term foreign and defense policy. It is believed that if Trump is re-elected, O’Brien may once again play a significant role in the US government.

During an interview on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, O’Brien emphasized the importance of US leadership in preventing the strengthening of this new “axis of evil”.

He believes that the key lies in “achieving peace through strength,” urging allies like Japan, South Korea, and NATO to increase defense spending alongside the US. Currently, the US dedicates nearly 4% of its GDP to defense, putting a considerable burden on the country.

“We cannot do this alone. American taxpayers cannot deter China on their own. We need help from allies. President Trump ensured that South Korea, Japan, and our European allies paid their fair share to assist in burden-sharing,” O’Brien said.

When asked about potential measures Trump may take to divide this alliance if re-elected, O’Brien stated, “The first thing we can do is increase US energy production.”

He urged for sanctions on the Russian Central Bank and reducing Russia’s oil exports while boosting US energy production, as these countries heavily rely on Russian energy.

O’Brien criticized Biden for decreasing US energy production by canceling the Keystone XL pipeline while allowing Putin to open the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany, potentially encouraging Russian aggression in Ukraine.

Regarding Iran, O’Brien advocated for maximum pressure on the country due to its disruptive activities in the Middle East.

Additionally, O’Brien suggested rebuilding the US military and navy, revitalizing shipyards, and redeploying troops stationed in Germany to frontline positions in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, as well as US territories in the Pacific like Guam, Hawaii, the Aleutian Islands, and Alaska to deter adversaries.

These steps, according to O’Brien, would further weaken the “axis of evil”.

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, O’Brien stressed the need for a strong stance in Asia to prevent a Chinese Communist Party invasion of Taiwan.

He emphasized the importance of stationing more US Marines in Guam, Hawaii, the Philippines, and Australia to send a strong deterrence message to China.

“The key is to contain war, not win a war…Strength will prevent China’s invasion. This is not just talk,” O’Brien said.

Referring to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, O’Brien criticized the US for providing Ukraine with aid that was “too little, too slow” in the initial stages of the conflict.

If the Trump administration were to return, O’Brien suggested that imposing extensive sanctions on Russia could compel Putin to return to the negotiation table and ultimately reach a peace treaty.