Former Secretary of State Pompeo Discusses Faith, Tradition, and Policy in Washington State

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was invited to discuss topics of faith and tradition at the Apologia Forum on the evening of April 14th, 2024.

The West Gate Chapel in Edmonds, Washington hosted an important discussion as part of the Apologia Forum series, where former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and senior pastor Alec Rowlands delved into issues of faith, tradition, policy, and leadership. The event attracted 1,250 viewers, reflecting the community’s strong interest in the combination of religious values and policies.

Faith and tradition guiding decisions

Mike Pompeo is known for his steadfast principles and conservative stance. During the forum, he emphasized the significant influence his Christian faith and adherence to tradition have on his decision-making process in major events. He highlighted how his faith and related traditions were crucial during his tenure in government, guiding his actions in the fields of foreign policy and national security.

Views on current global conflicts

Pompeo criticized the current government’s approach to international relations, particularly its execution of Middle East policies. He contrasted it with his own tenure, where he focused on strengthening ties with Israel and reducing U.S. military intervention through diplomatic channels. Pompeo stated, “We need to steadfastly support our allies to ensure our overseas actions uphold our country’s values and traditions.”

Cultural and political challenges

During the Apologia Forum, Pompeo commented on the current military situation, expressing concerns over the current government’s military direction. He critiqued the current focus within the military on political correctness and cultural changes, believing these factors weaken the military’s readiness and core mission, while eroding traditional American values and institutions.

He addressed the challenges facing the U.S. military and education system under current policies, emphasizing the fundamental principles of freedom, responsibility, and respecting traditions. Pompeo stressed the need for a leadership structure within the military that focuses on national security and operational efficiency, rather than solely on social or political agendas. His comments echoed calls for a return to fundamental military principles and readiness.

Pompeo on China’s global ambitions

At the Apologia Forum, Pompeo and senior pastor Alec Rowlands expressed significant concerns about China’s global strategy and its impact on the United States. Pompeo’s viewpoint shed light on the complexity of geopolitical dynamics.

Pompeo stated, “We witness the Chinese Communist Party posing a threat not only to our security but also to the fundamental ideals of global freedom. Their actions in the South China Sea, infringement on intellectual property, and widespread human rights abuses are deeply concerning.”

He further elaborated on the necessity of formulating a strategic response, stating, “The United States must develop a strategy commensurate with the challenge posed by China. It is not just a matter of competition but ensuring the protection of our way of life and securing a free world for future generations, all rooted in the values and traditions we cherish.”

Call for conservative action

Pompeo encouraged the audience to actively engage in political life while upholding conservative and traditional values. He emphasized the importance of community involvement and personal integrity, urging attendees to shape the future of the country through adherence to principles.

Pompeo’s presence at the forum provided a deep insight into how profound faith and tradition can profoundly impact public service and leadership. Amid the numerous domestic and international challenges facing America, Pompeo’s reflections provided a blueprint for integrating faith and tradition into governance, advocating for policies that reflect the country’s core values and principles.

Pompeo’s background

Born on December 30, 1963, Mike Pompeo grew up in Santa Ana, California, and later attended the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, where he studied mechanical engineering. Graduating with distinction in 1986, his experience at West Point instilled in him a strong sense of responsibility and leadership, paving the way for his future career in government.

After graduating, Pompeo served as an Army officer in the U.S. Army and patrolled the Iron Curtain before the fall of the Berlin Wall. He left the Army as a captain and continued his education at Harvard Law School, eventually becoming an editor for the Harvard Law Review.

Following his Harvard graduation, Pompeo entered the business sector and founded Thayer Aerospace in Wichita, Kansas, where he served as CEO for over a decade. His business experience provided him with a deep understanding of corporate operations and the impact of economic policies on entrepreneurship and job creation.

In 2010, Pompeo ventured into politics and was elected as the representative for Kansas’s 4th District in the U.S. House of Representatives. In Congress, he served on the House Intelligence Committee and the Energy and Commerce Committee, focusing on energy policy and national security issues.

In 2017, Pompeo was appointed as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by President Donald Trump, emphasizing a more aggressive intelligence posture during his tenure. He served in this role until 2018 when he was appointed as the U.S. Secretary of State. As Secretary of State, Pompeo was known for his firm stance on foreign policy issues, including his approach to China and Iran, as well as his support for strengthening America’s alliances in the Middle East.

Throughout his career, Pompeo has openly expressed his Christian faith, stating that it guides his values and decision-making.

责任编辑: 舜华