Former Chinese Communist Party Spy Claims to Have Planned Kidnapping Dissidents from Taiwan

A former special agent from the Political Security Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party has fled to Australia, exposing the CCP’s covert operations to apprehend dissidents overseas. The agent revealed that they had planned to set up a scam under the guise of recruitment by a Cambodian state-owned enterprise, intending to lure and capture targeted individuals. They even had a plan to kidnap someone from Taiwan, confidently asserting that they were well-prepared.

In a recent episode of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s program “Four Corners,” a former CCP agent going by the pseudonym Eric disclosed his involvement in infiltrating the Tibetan government-in-exile and planning the unsuccessful abduction of Wang Liming, also known as the cartoonist “Rebel Pepper,” who was living in exile in Japan at the time.

Eric revealed that in 2016, Wang Liming received a job interview invitation in Southeast Asia, which was actually a trap set up by the CCP. If Wang had attended the interview, he would have been forcibly returned to China.

The CCP had attempted to use a Cambodian state-owned enterprise, “Prince Real Estate Group,” to carry out this deception, with Eric being secretly assigned by the CCP’s secret police as the planning director in the company. According to him, the relationship between Prince Real Estate Group and the CCP’s secret police was “very close.”

Wang Liming recounted the details of the “Prince Real Estate Group interview invitation” to Radio Free Asia: in November 2016, while residing in Japan, he received a tweet from someone named “Xiao Yang” claiming to be his fan, which led to prolonged contact via email. “Xiao Yang” was actually Eric in disguise.

“Xiao Yang” claimed to be the planning director at Prince Real Estate Group and frequently sought Wang’s help in product design. Subsequently, he recommended Wang for the position of “Global Creative Director” at the company and arranged for him to submit an application to the human resources manager. Later, the manager officially invited Wang to interview in Cambodia through the company’s official email.

However, due to safety concerns, Wang declined the interview invitation. The Prince Real Estate Group then offered him another opportunity to interview at their Taiwan office. While originally agreeing to this interview, Wang ultimately cancelled due to his wife’s strong opposition, expressing shock and relief in hindsight.

In May 2017, Wang Liming arrived in the United States and later worked for Radio Free Asia (RFA).

In May 2024, an Australian Broadcasting Corporation journalist visited Wang Liming’s residence in the U.S. Arrangements were made for him to communicate directly with “Xiao Yang,” who had defected to Australia.

Wang Liming told Radio Free Asia, “I asked Xiao Yang why he was so sure he could deceive me into Taiwan from the beginning, and it’s because Prince Real Estate Group was deeply involved in this matter and they were confident they could kidnap me from Taiwan to international waters.”

In the aforementioned report by Australian media, Eric, the former CCP special agent who defected to Australia, mentioned self-producing videos feigning to be a fake anti-Communist militia to gain the trust of the exiled artist Hua Yong and lure him in. Under his superiors’ orders, efforts were made to “deal with” Hua Yong and find a way to lure him to Cambodia or Laos.

Hua Yong fled to Thailand in September 2019, arrived in Canada on April 5, 2021, and applied for refugee status. In the late night of November 25, 2022, Hua Yong set out alone on a rubber dinghy and did not return overnight. His body was discovered the next morning by the local town authorities where he resided.

Prior reports mentioned that the 39-year-old Eric, before defecting to Australia in 2023, had served as a special agent for the CCP’s Ministry of Public Security for 15 years, tasked with infiltrating and tracking overseas dissidents. In 2018, he was instructed to entice the Chinese dissident Yin Ke in Australia to Southeast Asia.

According to Eric, in the CCP secret police officials’ perspective, they view Thailand as China’s backyard.

The “Four Corners” program disclosed that Eric provided hundreds of documents to the media and Australian intelligence agencies to substantiate his revelations’ authenticity.